Education & accreditation for knowledge managers
[KM study options] Master of Science: Knowledge Management, Kent State University
A fully online program of study that can be pursued at the Graduate Certificate, Master, or PhD level.
Education & accreditation for knowledge managers
Tertiary study options for knowledge management in 2022
A roundup of known knowledge management (KM) study options, including summaries of the institutional ‘pitch’.
Evidence-based knowledge management
Business school leadership development programs are not always evidence-based: What about KM education?
To what extent are knowledge management (KM) education programs evidence-based?
KMGN Knowledge Management Advanced Methodologies course, commencing 1 February 2022
The next 21-week KMGN course is for experienced knowledge managers.
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – Donald Clark
Donald Clark sets the new age of knowledge management (KM) with AI and WildFire Learning.
ABCs of KM
The emergence of “knowmads” as new knowledge workers
A knowmad is a nomadic knowledge worker – that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with…
Brain power
Connecting work and education more effectively
Millions are out of work, but there's a shortage of workers. Research reveals a tenuous connection between education and employment.
Brain power
Is remote learning better than we think?
New research explores the literature around both remote and blended education to understand whether they can be effective, and if…
Knowledge management: “performing and learning” lessons from 2020 for a national voting standard
We lack a nationally, consistent, clear, and unambiguous system for one of the most fundamental rights and supporting processes in…