Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers counselling to police employees and immediate families through its extensive network of  providers. Counselling can be accessed in the metropolitan area as well as in large regional centres.  Telephone counselling is also available during normal business hours and crisis telephone counselling can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Support is also readily available to local Commands for any deemed critical or other incident that causes undue distress to the police concerned.

For general counselling, the program maintains total confidentiality and privacy for everyone who uses the services, and information is not shared with anyone unless authorised by the person in writing, or if it is required under Australian law. Access to the program is completely free of charge to police employees and their immediate family members for up to six counselling sessions per two year period.  

In addition to standard counselling services, Aboriginal employees and their families can access counselling through Aboriginal Counselling Services.  

Nutrition and diet are essential to achieving optimal wellbeing and the EAP dietician service can assist our employees with their dietary needs.  

Our employees and their families can also access eapdirect®, an online health and wellbeing portal.  It contains information and articles, self assessment tools, videos and podcasts, online counselling and support, a range of financial literacy learning modules and many more tools and resources to help maintain health and wellbeing.