The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 12): Reflections on ways forward
Reflections on the gap between the indigenous and scientific knowledge, and on what can be done to bridge it.
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 11): Policy and research recommendations
Serious questions that decision-makers need to consider in regard to the role indigenous knowledge plays in designing and implementing development…
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 10): Moving the debate forward
Now we take the discussion squarely into the realm of the political.
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 9): Knowledge systems of the Beni-Amer
Analysis of indigenous pastoral knowledge and practice among the Beni-Amer have shown that this knowledge provides a sustainable livelihood for…
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 8): Knowledge sovereignty: threats, adaptation and merger
Mergers of knowledge, although fraught with difficulty, are possible.
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 7): Hybrid knowledge systems: are they feasible?
Can indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge systems be integrated in a way that is not so combative, and if so,…
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 6): Key debates
An overview of some of the specifc debates being waged between proponents of indigenous knowledge and of scientific knowledge in…
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 5): Threats to indigenous knowledge and knowledge sovereignty
The global North stands accused of ‘academic colonialism’, with scholars in the global South forced to submit to the dominant…
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 4): Advancing the cause of knowledge sovereignty
What is knowledge sovereignty, and what does it mean to be knowledge-sovereign?
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 3): The ‘indigenous’ versus the ‘scientific’ position
Indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge are actually much more similar than they are different.