Personality types and acceptance of technical knowledge management systems (TKMS)
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Implications for researchers [Personality & TKMS series]
Various recommendations for future research and practice can be cited based on the results of this study.
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Implications for practitioners [Personality & TKMS series]
The results of this study can assist organisations and companies with TKMS research and design and employee hiring decisions.
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Results [Personality & TKMS series]
The results indicate that openness and extraversion positively affect the acceptance of TKMSs as they relate to perceived ease of…
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Data collection & analysis [Personality & TKMS series]
Data was collected through an internet survey tool, and then entered into the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) for…
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Measurement [Personality & TKMS series]
How personality factors and technology acceptance were measured in the study.
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Research design [Personality & TKMS series]
The study is based on quantitative research methods, and the target population of interest was TKMS users in government, academia,…
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Theoretical framework [Personality & TKMS series]
Quantifying how the personality types of users relates to their acceptance or non-acceptance of technical knowledge management systems.
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Purpose & conceptual framework [Personality & TKMS series]
Knowledge management and personality have each received considerable research attention, but few studies have looked at the interrelationship between the…
Measuring personality types using the five-factor model [Personality & TKMS series]
Numerous inventories measure the "Big Five" factors of the five-factor model, which has proven to be effective to researchers and…
Personality types and information systems adoption [Personality & TKMS series]
An important activity in information systems research is the integration of individual differences in personality.