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2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024 • 2025
19/08 How to stop to-do lists ruining your life (memory, priorities) (by RealKM Magazine) 19/08 How Machiavellians affect organisations (dark triad, exploitation, Machiavellian, manipulation, rule bending) (by Stephen Bounds) 19/08 Exploring the concept of digital immortality (digital, knowledge transfer, memory) (by RealKM Magazine) 19/08 Behavioural influences – dispositional or situational? (behaviour, dispositional, fundamental attribution error, situational) (by RealKM Magazine) 19/08 How open data can help save lives (data, disaster management, open data, public health, risk management, safety) (by RealKM Magazine) 20/08 Google announces Brillo and Weave for the Internet of Things (brillo, Google, internet of things, iot, weave) (by RealKM Magazine) 20/08 Pomodoro your way to productivity (focus, productivity, singletasking) (by Stephen Bounds) 21/08 Gender equity isn’t rocket science (gender, gender equity, public speaking, science) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/08 Criteria for a future-safe web (archiving, future-safe web, future-safety) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/08 Do you really need a social learning program? (performance, performance problems, social learning) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/08 Using Trello in a business context (collaboration, planning, to-do lists) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/08 What is knowledge management? (chris collison, introduction, km, knowledge management) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/08 The Knowledge Management Elevator Pitch (introduction, km, knowledge management, what is km) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/08 Four facets of knowledge management (introduction, km, knowledge management, what is km) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 What is a system? (change, introduction, les robinson, systems, systems thinking) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 IBM announces a “brain-inspired” computer chip (AI, artificial intelligence, computer chip, computers, digital) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 Is the rise of emoji a death sentence for written language? (communication, emoji, emoticons, language, social media) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 What might the next emoji look like? (communication, emoji, emoticons, social media) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 On Narrative Persuasion (communication, narrative, persuasion, science communication) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 Carrot app uses reward and criticism of the user as motivation (apps, punishment, reward, smartphones, to-do lists) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 System Failure: Why governments must learn to think differently (complex, complexity, government, introduction, learning, policy, systems thinking) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/08 Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System (change, Donella Meadows, intervention, les robinson, systems thinking) (by RealKM Magazine) 26/08 The Barefoot Guides to Organisations and Social Change (barefoot guides, change, organisational change, social change, transformation) (by RealKM Magazine) 26/08 Crafting a Knowledge Strategy (anecdote, design, environment, framework, initiatives, knowledge strategy, shawn callahan) (by RealKM Magazine) 26/08 The Course of Knowledge (biological, mountain quest institute, pragmatic, theory) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 World’s first true “smart drug” enhances cognition (cognition, creativity, fluid intelligence, modafinil, problem solving, provigil, smart drug) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 Clinical studies registry appears to reduce dubious biomedical findings (clinical studies, registry, research quality) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 How machine learning will change education, product development, and decision-making (AI, artificial intelligence, kellogg, machine learning) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 CEOs are often the last to know (communication, management) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 Build a Better Brainstorm (brainstorm, brainstorming, candor) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 The advantages of longhand over laptop note taking (laptops, learning, note taking, notes) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 Comparing three approaches to assess brand knowledge (brand, brand management, branding, collage, free association technique, marketing, story, storytelling) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 The new frontier in knowledge organisation (knowledge organisation, methods, standards, technologies) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/08 Storytelling theory and research in psychology and marketing (brand management, consumer behaviour, consumers, marketing, stories, story, storytelling) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/09 Can betrayal be foretold? (betrayal, computational linguistics, language processing, linguistics, relationships) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/09 Why people oppose GMOs when the science says they are safe (agriculture, evidence, gmos, intuition, opinion, public opinion) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/09 What does the research say about work-life balance? (cultural change, culture, overwork, productivity, work-life balance, working hours) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/09 The network science of career success (career, network science, networks, open networks, success) (by RealKM Magazine) 06/09 How to counter half-truths and lies with a better story (business, stories, story, storytelling, strategy) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/09 Avoiding Scientific Management 2.0 (benefit discounting, editorial, scientific management, taylorism) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/09 Britain’s ‘Twitter troops’ have ways of making you think… (influence, psychology, surveillance) (by RealKM Magazine) 08/09 The Process Communication Model (PCM) (communication, personality, productivity, psychology) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/09 Observation issues and root cause analysis (cost, estimates, root cause analysis, software) (by RealKM Magazine) 10/09 In science we trust… up to a point (journals, peer review, research, research quality, retraction, science, science communication) (by RealKM Magazine) 11/09 Are there too many meta-analyses in biomedical research? (meta-analysis, randomised controlled trials, systematic review) (by RealKM Magazine) 11/09 Do collaborations foster more creative or novel research? (collaboration, research, teams) (by RealKM Magazine) 16/09 Why do some ethical behaviours fail to embed, and what can be done about it? (behaviour, consumer behaviour, consumers, ethical) (by RealKM Magazine) 16/09 The Knowledge Edge series (introduction, km, knowledge edge series, what is km) (by RealKM Magazine) 20/09 System Interactions Matrix (by RealKM Magazine) 28/09 The 4 lies of storytelling (bias, lies, narrative, storytelling) (by Stephen Bounds) 29/09 Using meditation to shape the self (cognitive science, meditation, self) (by Stephen Bounds) 01/10 Is the US justice system fundamentally just? (evidence, fairness, justice) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/10 Out of the box ideas need a familiar framework for acceptance (acceptance, collaboration, innovation, novelty) (by Stephen Bounds) 02/10 Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US (activism, anti-intellectualism, arizona, book bans, books, librotraficante, reading) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/10 Australia is falling behind in Digital Diplomacy (branding, diplomacy, influence, two-way communication) (by Stephen Bounds) 05/10 Kerr’s lessons are still not being learnt (expectations, hypocrisy, incentives, rewards) (by Stephen Bounds) 06/10 Critical Eye: Myers-Briggs as indicator of promotion (correlation, management, Myers-Briggs, promotion, regression) (by Stephen Bounds) 06/10 How to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.1.6 Organisational knowledge (7.1.6, ISO 30401, iso 9001, iso 9001:2015, organisational knowledge, standards) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/10 Clarification techniques are universal in language (communication, cooperative, language, linguistics, universality) (by Stephen Bounds) 12/10 Testing improves performance – if it is the right kind of test (education, encoding, learning, recall, testing) (by Stephen Bounds) 14/10 Knowledge Management and ISO 9001:2015 (7.1.6, iso9001, iso9001:2015, quality) (by Ian Fry) 16/10 Knowledge Sharing Methods and Tools : A Facilitator’s Guide (adult learning, knowledge sharing, peer assist, social networking, storytelling, workshops, world cafe) (by Stephen Bounds) 19/10 Open Access Week and the battle for open access (collaboration, evidence, journals, open access, open access week, paywalls, research) (by RealKM Magazine) 20/10 The X Factor: 3 Perspectives on Donald Trump’s Appeal (charisma, leadership, marketing, Trump) (by Sally Chik) 21/10 Using librarians to conduct systematic reviews (bias, Cochrane, coding, critical thinking, librarian, PRISMA, review, search) (by Stephen Bounds) 21/10 Theory of birth order effect on personality debunked (birth order, Born to Rebel, personality, siblings, Sulloway) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/10 Recordkeeping is important – because our memories are often wrong (accuracy, emotion, memory, recall, recordkeeping) (by Stephen Bounds) 26/10 The link between memory and stories (emotion, forgetting, memory, stories) (by Shawn Callahan) 27/10 Subliminal messages in advertising (or why ads are like ogres) (advertising, consumers, marketing, psychology) (by Sally Chik) 28/10 If you ignore diversity, you aren’t serious about performance (culture, ingroup, outgroup, performance, sense of community, social identity, strategy) (by Stephen Bounds) 30/10 Artificial intelligence is no longer a sci-fi buzzword – it’s being adopted by businesses (AI, artificial intelligence, business, cognition, cognitive science, ibm, watson) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/11 How to think strategically about knowledge management (assets, inventory, knowledge assets, knowledge map, knowledge sharing, strategic) (by RealKM Magazine) 04/11 A startup founder’s thoughts on diversity: it matters! (diversity, innovation, performance) (by RealKM Magazine) 04/11 Amsterdam uses the crowd to power its smart city (crowd, crowdsourced, smart cities) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/11 Can knowledge management become agile, and what about complexity? (agile, complexity, project management) (by RealKM Magazine) 06/11 Who’s who in your Zoo? (culture, learning, teaching) (by Stephen Bounds) 09/11 Digital Amnesia: Memory, internet and modern life (accuracy, behaviour, cloud, data, internet, memories, memory, mobile devices) (by Sally Chik) 10/11 How to change people’s minds (attachment, debate, expert, interest, memory, persuasion) (by Stephen Bounds) 11/11 Editorial: Can an idea be good if it hasn’t been criticised? (editorial, implementation intention, limited evidence, motivation, single author premise, team performance) (by Stephen Bounds) 12/11 Knowledge brokers: connecting research and practice (adoption, broker, brokering, knowledge brokers, linkages, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/11 The rise of predictive policing (algorithm, mathematical model, predictive) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/11 How the powerful make decisions (bias, decision-making, gut instinct, instinct, power, powerful) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/11 Paris terror attacks: exploring the mainstream and social media reaction (beirut, media, paris, social media, terror, terrorism) (by Bruce Boyes) 17/11 How machines learn, and how that can help us (data, machine learning, prediction) (by RealKM Magazine) 19/11 The myth of the mad genius: Mental illness and creativity (addiction, creativity, genius, madness, mental illness, psychology, research) (by Sally Chik) 20/11 New KM101 training course in Melbourne (courses, km basics, km expert groups, km101) (by Stephen Bounds) 23/11 Educating Knowledge Managers series: Introduction (competence, education, km, theory) (by Andre Saito) 24/11 Improve your data collection (data collection, questionnaires, sampling, surveys, validity) (by Stephen Bounds) 25/11 Why do people make bad decisions? (analysis, choices, decisions, judgment) (by Stephen Bounds) 26/11 How do groups make decisions? (decision-making, decisions, groups, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/11 Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims (bias, evidence, research quality, science) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/11 Using competencies to bridge theory and practice [EKM series] (competence, education, human resources, km, learning, performance, teaching) (by Andre Saito) 30/11 1000 readers! (editorial, milestones, thank you) (by Stephen Bounds) 01/12 How connectivity can harm creativity (connectivity, creativity, innovation, isolation, networks, social networking) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/12 Schooling healthy minds: Educating children about mental health (childhood, education, learning, mental health, mental illness, parenting, psychology, schools, stress, teaching) (by Sally Chik) 05/12 16 knowledge management myths debunked (adoption, communities of practice, critical mass, incentives, intellectual property, knowledge management, management, myths, pull, push, risk management, social media, tools) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/12 The knowledge economy revolution [EKM series] (distributed knowledge, experts, knowledge economy, knowledge work, knowledge workers, motivation) (by Andre Saito) 07/12 Applying a skeptical eye to science reporting (bias, distortion, echo chamber, journalism, reporting, scientific method, sensationalism) (by Stephen Bounds) 08/12 The CEO’s role in knowledge management (business, CEO, culture, leadership, qualities, recognition, results, rewards, talent) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/12 New tools aim to automate the hunt for the latest research (AI, artificial intelligence, automation, machine learning, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/12 Phenomenographic research in a network of counter-terrorism communities (analysis, communities of practice, complexity, counter-terrorism, data, phenomenography, terror, terrorism) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/12 What is the scope of knowledge management? [EKM series] (communities of practice, CoPs, disciplines, HR, multidisciplinary, organizational science, scope, strategy) (by Andre Saito) 15/12 The Paris Agreement: knowledge management and climate science denial (climate change, climate science, paris agreement) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/12 Using prediction markets to verify research (citizen science, crowd, prediction, prediction markets, reproducibility, reproducible, research, research quality) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/12 How to identify logical fallacies (argument, logic, logical fallacy, media) (by RealKM Magazine) 17/12 Toxic Workers Working Paper (behaviour, employees, ethics, HR, human resources, Machiavellian, misconduct, productivity) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/12 Aligning HR with KM [EKM series] (alignment, HR, HRM, human resources, motivation, performance, strategy) (by Andre Saito) 22/12 The practice of “embodied intelligence” (behaviour, embodied knowledge, emotion, leadership, memory, recall) (by Stephen Bounds) 22/12 “Two heads are better than one”: Optimising idea generation through collaboration (collaboration, crowdsourcing, idea generation, knowledge sharing) (by Sally Chik) 23/12 Searching for Knowledge and Understanding: Lessons from Google’s 2015 Year In Search (culture, digital literacy, Google, metadata, paris, search engines, social media, terrorism) (by Sally Chik) 31/12 Subliminal messages in advertising (or why ads are like ogres) (advertising, consumers, marketing, psychology) (by Sally Chik)
04/01 The role and limitations of information systems in effective KM [EKM series] (future research, im, information, information systems, it, knowledge processes, knowledge transactions, limitations, repository) (by Andre Saito) 05/01 What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness (ageing, happiness, health, mental health, relationships, social networking) (by RealKM Magazine) 05/01 Are extroverts or introverts more likely to collaborate? (behaviour, collaboration, cooperative, extroverts, introverts, personality, traits) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/01 A model for understanding knowledge systems (AKI, AKI model, data, information, KM system, KMS, knowledge, knowledge management systems) (by Dr David Williams) 11/01 The role of AI in Knowledge Management [EKM series] (AI, artificial intelligence, classification, data mining, mapping, taxonomy) (by Andre Saito) 12/01 How we make moral judgements about intent (bias, emotion, intent, judgement, motivation, rational) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/01 Sarcasm triggers creativity and abstract thinking (affective response, cognitive response, humour, psychological distance, sarcasm) (by Stephen Bounds) 13/01 Get the flu more than others? Take a look at your social networks (disease, network science, networks, obesity, social networking) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/01 Personal Knowledge Management: From you to the enterprise (enterprise, personal, pkm, search, searchability, team) (by Howard Cohen) 15/01 New knowledge management books (January 2016) (books, framework, governance, knowledge management, knowledge processes, stories, story, storytelling, technologies) (by RealKM Magazine) 18/01 Science and hype: how overstating facts undercuts trust (facts, hype, overstatement, probability, science, theories, wrong) (by Stephen Bounds) 19/01 Case Study: The dangers of information silos (case study, expertise, grey literature, information, information management, knowledge, silos) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/01 From 2016, 28 September is International Day for the Universal Access to Information (access, information, international day, open access, UNESCO) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/01 How does academic research cross the chasm (communication, impact, knowledge leaders, leadership, research, science communication) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/01 UNESCO advances knowledge societies at its 38th General Conference (access, communication, digital, heritage, internet, knowledge societies, UNESCO) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/01 Libraries and information science as part of KM [EKM series] (discipline, information science, km competence, km programs, library, scope) (by Andre Saito) 25/01 Teaching AI to appreciate stories (AI, artificial intelligence, learning, stories) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/01 Yammer loses Community Support Managers (collaboration, community, tacit knowledge, technology, yammer) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/01 To persuade, think like the person you want to convince (CR, critical rationalism, manipulation, marketing, persuasion, truth) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/01 Digital dilemmas: Obstacles to a paperless future (cloud, culture, digital, office, productivity, recordkeeping, technologies) (by Sally Chik) 28/01 Editorial: Failure demand at the heart of dissatisfaction with Centrelink (Centrelink, editorial, failure demand, government, on hold, productivity, systems thinking, vanguard method) (by Stephen Bounds) 29/01 The Business of Data report from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) (big data, data, decision-making, evidence) (by RealKM Magazine) 01/02 Implementing knowledge management [EKM series] (evaluation, framework, implementation, initiatives, required conditions, senior management support, success, success criteria) (by Andre Saito) 02/02 How symptom checkers can make us healthier (Dr Google, health, public health, symptom checkers) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/02 Components of a knowledge management system (architecture, information management systems, iso 9001, iso 9001:2015, KMS, knowledge management systems, knowledge strategy, socio-technical) (by Dr David Williams) 04/02 Internet investigations: Hoaxes, algorithms and ethics (algorithm, ethics, hoaxes, internet, research, research quality) (by Sally Chik) 08/02 Report reveals our bad email habits (email, email overload, information, information management, stress, workflow) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/02 Critical Eye: An example of hype in science publishing and reporting (behaviour, behavioural science, hype, research, research quality, science, science communication) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/02 Critical Eye: Bird Island experiment claims to prove usefulness of KM (best practices, bird island, performance, productivity) (by Stephen Bounds) 10/02 Maximising the benefits of live tweeting at conferences (conferences, curate, curating, hashtag, storify, tweet, tweeting, Twitter) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/02 Cultural dimensions and factors: use and misuse (behaviour, cultural dimensions, culture, differences, ecological fallacy, national cultural, values) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/02 What is a competency? [EKM Series] (capabilities, competence, competency, judgement, performance, practice, professionalism, quality) (by Andre Saito) 16/02 Project uses peer pressure to encourage open research (open access, research, research quality) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/02 Trends, issues and challenges in knowledge management and sharing: research review (barriers, challenges, issues, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, trends) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/02 An example of the competitive advantage of a strong workplace culture (competitive advantage, culture, employees, empowerment, workplace culture) (by Bruce Boyes) 19/02 Are brains Bayesian? (bayes, bayesian, cognition, confirmation bias) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/02 Why we should trust our gut when giving a speech (audience, facial cues, public speaking, scanning) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/02 Email isn’t dead, but it is ageing: How young people now communicate online (apps, demographics, email, messaging, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/02 Can online social media overcome the cognitive constraint on the size of social networks? (cognitive science, dunbar's number, networks, psychology, social brain hypothesis, social media, social networking) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/02 Time flies when you’re using technology (productivity, psychology, technology, time) (by Sally Chik) 29/02 National Library of Australia’s Trove service facing efficiency dividend cuts (access, aggregator, efficiency dividend, funding, information, information management, library, trove) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/03 Research reveals that managers suck at judging new ideas (creativity, ideas, innovation, judgement, leaders, leadership, management, managers) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/03 Global smartphone ownership and internet usage (developed, developing, internet, mobile devices, smartphones, social media, social networking) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/03 Could you be an “intrapreneur” rather than an entrepreneur? (entrepreneur, innovation, intrapreneur) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/03 How learning spills over in the firm (collaboration, ideas, knowledge sharing, learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/03 Ways of not knowing: The forms of denial (denial, implicatory denial, interpretive denial, literal denial) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/03 Alan Alda on the art of science communication: ‘I want to tell you a story’ (science, science communication, story, storytelling) (by The Conversation) 10/03 The behavioural science of recruitment and selection (behavioural science, employees, hiring, HR, recruitment, selection) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/03 How values influence the way we interpret evidence (bias, confirmation bias, evidence, values) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/03 Why we should be open about the risks of sharing health data (data, data collection, ethics, health, privacy, risk management, transparency) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/03 Social media at work: Research (communication, research, social media, workplace) (by Sally Chik) 17/03 Psychology research in crisis (psychology, reproducibility, research, research quality) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/03 Hard evidence: how many people actually use libraries? (books, demographics, library) (by The Conversation) 22/03 Eterna citizen scientists publish their first paper (citizen science, gaming, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/03 “Siri, I was raped”: Smartphone virtual assistance in crisis situations (artificial intelligence, emergency, siri, smartphones, virtual assistants) (by Sally Chik) 24/03 The changing face of print and online news (evidence, information, media, news, newspapers) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/03 Terrorism and knowledge management (belgium, brussels, counter-terrorism, knowledge workers, networks, terrorism) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/03 When having a plan B backfires (backup, planning, risk management) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/03 Can engineers and scientists ever master “complexity”? (complexity, engineering, research, science) (by RealKM Magazine) 31/03 Digital detox: Disengage from the technological trap (addiction, health, sleep, social media, technology) (by Sally Chik) 05/04 Can connectivity harm innovation? (collaboration, connectivity, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/04 Self-perpetuating hierarchies and their effects on knowledge flows (development, global north, global south, hierarchies, knowledge flows) (by Joern Fischer) 06/04 Addicted to social media? Try an e-fasting plan (addiction, mental health, social media) (by The Conversation) 11/04 Is overconfidence based on picking easy tasks? (behavioural science, confidence, psychology) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/04 Modelling individual KM competencies [EKM Series] (activities, capabilities, competence, competency, perspectives) (by Andre Saito) 18/04 How productive is virtual working? (productivity, virtual work) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/04 KM competence in graduate KM education [EKM series] (competency, education, graduate) (by Andre Saito) 21/04 What is horizon scanning, and should you be doing it? (black swan, future, innovation, risk management) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/04 Games can help to teach organisational dynamics (competencies, games, virtual economies, virtual worlds) (by Stephen Bounds) 26/04 Building a school fit for introverts (education, introverts, schools) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/04 What does ‘ownership’ mean in the digital age? (digital, internet of things, iot) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/04 Educating Knowledge Managers series: Conclusions (competence, competency, education) (by Andre Saito) 28/04 Challenging change management: The way out is through (change, cultural change, organisational change) (by Sally Chik) 02/05 The Brain of Things and home automation (home automation, internet of things, iot) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/05 Why managers should beware getting territorial (creativity, territory) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/05 New open access book on turn-taking in human communicative interaction (communication, conversation, psycholinguistic) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/05 Four ways to be a better arguer (argument, psychology) (by RealKM Magazine) 14/05 Are insiders or outsiders better innovators? (innovation, insiders, outsiders) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/05 The Emoji Evolution: The short and long of the emoji (communication, emoji, emoticons, language) (by Sally Chik) 19/05 The hype in science publishing and reporting is facing increasing scrutiny (hype, research, research quality, science, science communication) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/05 Platforms launch to support citizen science (citizen science, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/05 In the know: Edition #1 (announcements, events, news) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/05 It’s time to switch off the life support for email (email, email overload, messaging, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/06 The history of computing is both evolution and revolution (computers, computing, information) (by The Conversation) 02/06 New app wants you to spend more time with your kids (technology, work-life balance) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/06 In the know: Edition #2 (news) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/06 The myths about online abuse that refuse to die (communities, internet, moderation) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/06 72 new emoji added (emoji, messaging, social media) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/06 Are we in the midst of a public space crisis? (debate, internet, public space) (by The Conversation) 13/06 How games shine a light on human behavior (behaviour, games, gaming) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/06 Business is waking up to the idea of deep learning (AI, machine learning) (by The Conversation) 16/06 How are our libraries going? (digital, libraries) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/06 How do we make decisions? [Agile decision-making series] (agile, decision-making, OODA, OODA loop, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 23/06 A knowledge flow notation for designing knowledge management systems (KMS, knowledge flows, knowledge management systems) (by Dr David Williams) 23/06 The differences between strategy and tactics (strategy, tactics) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/06 The problem solving pattern [Agile decision-making series] (agile, decision-making, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 01/07 What’s up with the big car makers? (automotive, regulation) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/07 The march of deep learning in medicine continues (AI, artificial intelligence, deep learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/07 Problem solving methodologies [Agile decision-making series] (agile, decision-making, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/07 Mapping the UK information workforce (information, workforce) (by RealKM Magazine) 11/07 Using search data to detect cancer (cancer, health, search) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/07 Management and multitasking [Agile decision-making series] (agile, decision-making, management, multitasking, OODA, OODA loop, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 14/07 Society under surveillance (censorship, data retention, government, mass surveillance, self-censorship) (by Sally Chik) 15/07 Driving innovation with constructive subversion (call for volunteers, experiment, innovation) (by Stephen Bounds) 18/07 Using neuroscience to create learning machines (AI, artificial intelligence, learning, machine learning, neuroscience) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/07 KM: definition, history, & current trends [Personality & TKMS series] (KMS, knowledge management systems, personality) (by Maureen Sullivan) 19/07 We need to talk about the bad science being funded (research, research quality, science) (by The Conversation) 20/07 Cascading delays [Agile decision-making series] (agile, decision-making, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 21/07 Understanding trade-offs in system optimisation (complex adaptive systems, complexity, experiment, hypothesis, performance) (by Stephen Bounds) 22/07 Smart cities and knowledge management (citizen engagement, data, knowledge brokers, smart cities) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/07 Can machines learn via analogies? (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/07 Putting agile management decision-making into practice (agile, decision-making, problem solving) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/07 Implications of knowledge management [Personality & TKMS series] (KMS, knowledge management systems, personality) (by Maureen Sullivan) 28/07 Critical Eye: Evidence of the importance of curation (analysis, critical eye, curation, evidence) (by Stephen Bounds) 01/08 Virtual reality and it’s impact on training (augmented reality, training, virtual reality) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/08 Information and Knowledge Management for Climate Change (IKM4CC) Guidelines (climate change, information management, knowledge management) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/08 The social priming controversy, and how it might be resolved (academic fraud, reproducibility, social priming) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/08 Why disruptive innovations are resisted (change, innovation, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/08 Technical knowledge management systems [Personality & TKMS series] (KMS, knowledge management systems, tkms) (by Maureen Sullivan) 10/08 Can only humans have knowledge? (AI, animals, artificial intelligence, consciousness, knowledge, sentiency) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/08 Are the “dark triad” personality traits really that bad? (dark triad, Machiavellian, narcissism, psychopathy) (by Bruce Boyes) 17/08 New research supports layer structure in social brain hypothesis (psychology, relationships, social brain hypothesis, social networks) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/08 Happy first birthday RealKM Magazine! (birthday, evidence, evidence based, Happy Birthday, knowledge management) (by RealKM Magazine) 18/08 Research Check: is it true only half your friends actually like you? (hype, media, science, science communication) (by The Conversation) 19/08 Is the Olympic Games Knowledge Management (OGKM) program effective? (knowledge transfer, OGKM, Olympic Games Knowledge Management) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/08 What construction jobs will look like when robots can build things (automation, construction industry, technology) (by The Conversation) 26/08 Organisational climate vs. organisational culture (organisational climate, organisational culture) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/08 Can a chatbot help in emergency situations? (chatbots, emergency) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/09 Infographics: “Did I Plagiarize?” and “Can I Use That Picture?” (copyright, infographics, intellectual property, IP, plagiarism) (by RealKM Magazine) 01/09 Insights into passwords: secrets and security (biometrics, data security, password alternatives, passwords, security) (by Sally Chik) 01/09 The principles of agile work were laid down 100 years ago (agile, complexity, multitasking, prioritisation, to-do lists) (by Stephen Bounds) 05/09 Meet the AI wedding planner (AI, artificial intelligence) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/09 Is confidence more a personality trait or an ability trait? (ability, confidence, intelligence, personality) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/09 Patterns of stories of organisational change (change, organisational change, stories) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/09 Do we collaborate more when we think fast or slow? (collaboration, psychology) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/09 Personality types [Personality & TKMS series] (big five, five-factor model, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, personality, personality types) (by Maureen Sullivan) 19/09 The impact of the sharing economy on manufacturers (manufacturing, sharing economy, Uber) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/09 Use of five-factor model of personality types in technology acceptance [Personality & TKMS series] (big five, five-factor model, personality, personality types, technology, UTAUT) (by Maureen Sullivan) 23/09 Pew Research Center Report: Digital Readiness Gaps (digital literacy, learning, online learning, technology) (by Bruce Boyes) 27/09 Do you want AI helping you to write emails? (AI, artificial intelligence, email) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/09 Personality types and information systems adoption [Personality & TKMS series] (five-factor model, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, personality, personality types) (by Maureen Sullivan) 29/09 The natural selection of bad science (reproducibility, science, statistical power) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/09 Knowledge principles for government (government, knowledge, knowledge management, principles) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/09 Artifacts in knowledge management research (artifacts, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/10 Gaming our way to better public speaking (gaming, public speaking, stories) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/10 Call for government decisions to be based on evidence, not prejudice (decision-making, evidence, evidence based, government) (by RealKM Magazine) 06/10 Factors influencing employees’ willingness to share knowledge (knowledge sharing, organisational knowledge, organisations) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/10 Personality is the key to getting ahead (employment, HR, personality) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/10 Insights into the behaviour of narcissists (behaviour, narcissism, personality) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/10 How stories converge when we share them (stories, storytelling) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/10 International Facilitation Week: The role of facilitation in evidence-based practice (evidence based, facilitation, International Facilitation Week) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/10 Knowledge Translation Toolkit (know-do, knowledge translation, policy, practice) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/10 The dissemination of information in a post-truth world (credibility, information, post-truth, sleeper effect, Trump) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/11 Researchers highlight how AI can support scientific exploration (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/11 Internet Archive celebrates 20 years (archive, internet, wayback machine) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/11 The nexus between knowledge management and innovation (innovation, knowledge management) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/11 Announcement: Launch of RealKM Connect (knowledge management, professional development, RealKM Connect) (by Stephen Bounds) 08/11 The importance of our work to our health and wellbeing (health, mental health, work, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/11 Tougher action needed in the fight against scientific fraud (research, science, scientific fraud) (by The Conversation) 11/11 The impact of social media on knowledge management (knowledge, knowledge sharing, participation, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/11 What can be done about the growing problem of false online information? (false, information, internet, misinformation, online) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/11 AI and its impact on productivity and employment (AI, artificial intelligence, employment, productivity) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/11 News updates: UNESCO MILCLICKS, Marrakesh Treaty, E-book lending (copyright, e-books, libraries, Marrakesh Treaty, MILCLICKS, UNESCO) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/11 70 use cases for AI today (AI, artificial intelligence) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/11 Analysing the attention economy (attention, fake news, information, media, misinformation, social media) (by Sally Chik) 25/11 The knowledge management implications of the Trump vote (brexit, community, media, stories, Trump) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/11 How open science is helping the fight against Malaria (malaria, open science, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/11 Robot Lawyers helps unrepresented people tell their story (AI, artificial intelligence, law, legal, robotics) (by RealKM Magazine) 01/12 Why you get “results” when you pay for results (incentives, metrics, policy) (by Stephen Bounds) 02/12 The potential for gamification in knowledge management (gamification, innovation, knowledge workers) (by Bruce Boyes) 06/12 Why connectivity matters at work (connectivity, social networks, social responsibility) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/12 An objective perspective on wisdom (cognitive, DIKW, wisdom) (by Stephen Bounds) 09/12 The difference that one informed and confident agent can make (change, collaboration, confidence, cooperation) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/12 Systems thinking and modelling series: Introduction (modelling, systems thinking) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/12 Making scientific research better (medical, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/12 Systems thinking and modelling series: Model instructions (modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 13/12 Systems thinking and modelling series: Exercise answers (systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 13/12 Web of wonder: Experiencing the web [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 15/12 Simple thinking in a complex world is a recipe for disaster (cognition, cognitive, complexity, psychology) (by The Conversation) 16/12 Questioning the truth in the notion of “post-truth” (fake news, media, post-truth, truth) (by Bruce Boyes) 19/12 How AI can outgrow human teachers (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/12 Web of wonder: Creating the future [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 21/12 The top 100 most-discussed journal articles of 2016 (journals, obama, open access, science) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/12 Seasons greetings from RealKM Magazine (seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/12 Science facts that emerged in 2016 (AI, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, science) (by Bruce Boyes)
04/01 AI and attempts to model human behavior (AI, artificial intelligence, preferences) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/01 Web of wonder: Patterns in the web [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 06/01 Statisticians respond to misuse and misinterpretation of “statistical significance” (p-values) in research (reproducibility, reproducible, research, research quality, statistical significance) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/01 Web of wonder: Learning and simulation [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 16/01 Research reveals how reframing can work on others too (cognitive reappraisal, psychology, reframing) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/01 Web of wonder: Three model structures [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 20/01 Open access trends: the good, the bad, and the irony (open access, predatory, predatory journals, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/01 How the media is going to be, and has been, Trumped (conspiracy theories, media, Trump) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/01 Is busyness another form of humblebragging? (behaviour, knowledge workers, personality) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/01 Web of wonder: Three types of models [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 26/01 Knowledge leaders as change agents in knowledge organizations (change, change agent, iso 9001:2015) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/01 Knowledge, complexity, and systems [RealKM Connect introductory series] (complexity, Cynefin, knowledge, OODA, OODA loop, systems thinking) (by Amanda Surrey) 27/01 What YOU can do about fake news (fake news, misinformation) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/01 Report reveals the early results of open government (open government, systems thinking, transparency) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/01 Web of wonder: Developing models [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 06/02 Why doctors should engage our social network (doctors, medical, social networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/02 Web of wonder: Summary [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 14/02 Developing understanding: Models 1-2 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 17/02 Trust in crisis: the fourth turning begins (brexit, Trump, trust) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/02 New platform launches to help academics expand their reach (academia, collaboration, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/02 Developing understanding: Models 3-4 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 22/02 The network science of US gunshot violence (police, social networks) (by Bruce Boyes) 27/02 Why companies fail to absorb external innovation (education, ideas, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/03 Developing understanding: Models 5-6 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 03/03 Revitalizing the theory and practice of the information audit (audit, information, information management) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/03 Does GDPR do enough to police AI? (AI, algorithm, artificial intelligence) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/03 Developing understanding: Model 7 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 10/03 Libraries as innovation incubators (innovation, libraries, makerspace) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/03 New tool aims to predict how we might feel after surgery (data, patient experience, surgery) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/03 Developing understanding: Models 8-9 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 16/03 How people react to requests for review (evaluation, feedback, reviews, team building) (by Stephen Bounds) 21/03 Hyperinnovation at Cisco (innovation, open innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/03 Developing understanding: Models 10-11 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 22/03 Change hack 8: Using human-centred design in change management [Change hacks series] (change, change management, design thinking, human centred design) (by Lena Ross) 24/03 Knowledge sharing practices and issues in policing (knowledge sharing, police, policing) (by Bruce Boyes) 28/03 Providing real-time mapping for autonomous vehicles (AI, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, deep learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/03 Developing understanding: Models 12-13 [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 31/03 Evolution and the organisation [RealKM Connect introductory series] (change, organization, organizational development) (by Amanda Surrey) 31/03 Predatory journals recruit ‘Dr. Fraud’ (academia, journals, predatory, predatory journals, science) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/04 Developing understanding: Summary [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 04/04 Wikipedia Edit-a-thons (conferences, research, science, Wikipedia) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/04 Australian Digital Built Environment Principles (BIM, built environment, digital, smart cities) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/04 Simplified cognitive bias cheat sheet [Thinking is hard series] (bias, brain power, cognitive bias, cognitive biases) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/04 What causes bias in scientific literature? (bias, research, science) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/04 Applied Understanding: Systemic Strategy [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 11/04 How slack can help (and hinder) cooperation (collaboration, cooperation, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/04 How internal disruption is changing the way we work (change, disruption, email, social networks) (by Lena Ross) 18/04 A new tool helps researchers show their impact (data, impact, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/04 Five capabilities we need now to lead and manage change (change, change maker, change management) (by Lena Ross) 25/04 How structured information can diminish creativity (creativity, ideas, information, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/05 Applied Understanding: Are There Limits [Systems thinking & modelling series] (development, modelling, sustainability, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 04/05 Why familiarity breeds cooperation (conflict, cooperation, familiarity, game theory) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/05 Cities are complex systems – let’s start looking at them that way (cities, complexity, systems, systems thinking) (by The Conversation) 08/05 Applied Understanding: Productivity Challenge [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, project management, projects, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 08/05 Bringing data science to the masses (big data, business data, data science) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/05 The worst mental health killer you probably know nothing about (part 1) (bipolar, borderline personality disorder, BPD, mental health, mental illness, suicide awareness) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/05 RealKM Connect student scholarships (scholarships, students) (by Amanda Surrey) 12/05 Agenda Knowledge for Development (SDGs, sustainable development) (by RealKM Magazine) 16/05 Applied Understanding: Restaurant Covers [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modelling, restaurant, restaurants, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 16/05 The key skills to make us good at life (good life, life skills, success) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/05 Expert culture has killed the innovator in workplaces (expert, ideas, innovation) (by The Conversation) 19/05 Are the claims of “psycho automation” in regard to Qantas flight QF72 justified? (AI, airlines, artificial intelligence, automation, QF72) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/05 Applied Understanding: Control Theory [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 24/05 #KMELB2017 Creativity, Chaos and Collaboration (conferences, knowledge management) (by Amanda Surrey) 26/05 What might peer review look like in 2030? (academia, journals, peer review, predatory, predatory journals) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/05 Applied Understanding: Increasing Indebtedness to Banks [Systems thinking & modelling series] (banks, complexity, debt, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 30/05 A systems approach to change in government (change, change management, government, systems thinking) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/05 How public libraries contribute to the STEAM agenda (librarians, libraries, STEAM, STEM) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/06 The worst mental health killer you probably know nothing about (part 2) (borderline personality disorder, BPD, mental health, mental illness, suicide awareness) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/06 Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Guide to the Fundamentals of Data Science (big data, biomedical, data, data science) (by RealKM Magazine) 05/06 Applied Understanding: Sustainable Capitalism [Systems thinking & modelling series] (business, business development, modelling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 06/06 Securing your data from internal threats (cyber crime, cyber risk, cyber security) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/06 Knowledge, intelligence and life (autopoiesis, intelligence, knowledge) (by Stephen Bounds) 09/06 Blacklist of predatory journals to return – at a price (academia, journals, peer review, predatory, predatory journals, research) (by RealKM Magazine) 13/06 Applied Understanding: Swamping Insights [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 13/06 The global state of open data (data, open data) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/06 Is “nudge management” the new scientific management approach? (behaviour, management, nudge, nudging) (by Bruce Boyes) 19/06 Applied Understanding: To Degree or Not [Systems thinking & modelling series] (career, careers, education, jobs, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 20/06 Using big data to understand mental health (big data, child health, mental health, mental illness) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/06 An introduction to the TensorFlow machine learning system (AI, artificial intelligence, Google, machine learning, TensorFlow, TPU) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/06 Google MultiModel: a potentially significant advance for artificial intelligence (AI) (AI, artificial intelligence, deep learning, Google, MultiModel) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/06 Harnessing the positive deviance approach to solving social problems (change, positive deviance, tacit knowledge) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/06 Applied Understanding: The Rain Barrel [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 26/06 How our social network influences our behavior (big data, social network, social networking) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/06 Many knowledge management researchers aren’t practicing what the profession preaches (academic publishing, journals, open access, predatory, predatory journals, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/07 Applied Understanding: New Learning Inhibited [Systems thinking & modelling series] (change, learning, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 04/07 The Behavioral Evidence Hub (behaviour, behavioural science, evidence) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/07 Creative Spaces Impact Framework for libraries (creative, innovation, librarians, libraries) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/07 The worst mental health killer you probably know nothing about (part 3) (borderline personality disorder, BPD, mental health, mental illness) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/07 Actionable knowledge for climate progress (climate action, climate change, information) (by Mark Trexler) 10/07 Applied Understanding: Innovation Diffusion [Systems thinking & modelling series] (innovation, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 11/07 What change does to employees (change, change management, employees) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/07 Systems thinking education: Help to make Splash! a reality! (children, education, modeling, systems thinking) (by RealKM Magazine) 13/07 Is the world really sleepwalking to war? Systems thinking can provide an answer (complexity, conflict, systems thinking, world war 3) (by The Conversation) 18/07 Applied Understanding: Hospital Fixes that Fail [Systems thinking & modelling series] (hospital, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 19/07 How organizations keep data safe in an AI world (AI, artificial intelligence, big data, data protection) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/07 Development and Access to Information (DA2I) report (information, libraries, SDGs, sustainable development) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/07 How cyber troops are influencing what you think and know (cyber troops, fake news, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/07 Creating synergistic interprofessional teams (healthcare, nursing, team building, teamwork) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/07 Applied Understanding: World2 Model [Systems thinking & modelling series] (earth, modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 25/07 The challenges involved in open science (European Union, innovation, open access, open science) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/07 The worst mental health killer you probably know nothing about (part 4) (borderline personality disorder, BPD, mental health, mental illness) (by Bruce Boyes) 28/07 Is the use of social network sites in the workplace really a negative? (employees, social media, social network, workplace) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/08 Applied Understanding: Conclusion [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 01/08 How employees leaving can help us to innovate (employees, innovation, knowledge, networking) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/08 New research highlights challenges of building networks for employees and entrepreneurs (employees, entrepreneurs, innovation, networking, social networking) (by The Conversation) 02/08 New change management books (agile, change, change management) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/08 Models and Truth: Introduction [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 07/08 What impact has fact-checking had on the media? (fact check, fake news, media, media bias) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/08 How do you know that what you know is true? That’s epistemology (critical thinking, epistemology, knowledge) (by The Conversation) 11/08 A proposal for open knowledge and open knowledge management (innovation, open access, open data, open innovation, open science) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/08 The future of knowledge management research (libraries, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/08 Models and Truth: Prediction, Inference, and Narrative [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, narrative, prediction, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 15/08 Happy second birthday RealKM Magazine! (birthday) (by RealKM Magazine) 15/08 New report looks at successful digital transformation (digital, digital transformation) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/08 Some notable developments in open information (open access, open data, open science) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/08 Models and Truth: The Strange Case of Inference [Systems thinking & modelling series] (inference, modeling, p values, statistics, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 22/08 Establishing the free movement of data (data, Europe, open data) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/08 Managers failing to grasp what their customers think (customer experience, customers, manager, managers, marketing) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/08 New knowledge management books (August 2017) (books, communication, marketing, project management) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/08 The “Calling Bullshit” university course (big data, fake news, media, predatory, predatory journals, science) (by RealKM Magazine) 01/09 Report from ICWSM 2017 Workshop on Digital Misinformation (bots, conspiracy theory, fact check, fake news) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/09 Models and Truth: Summary [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, narrative, predictive, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 05/09 LAST Conference Canberra 2017 (agile, Canberra, conferences, lean, systems thinking) (by Stephen Bounds) 06/09 How we work with algorithms (AI, algorithm, artificial intelligence) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/09 #KMELB2017 Creativity, Chaos and Collaboration – Programme available (conferences, knowledge management, melbourne) (by Amanda Surrey) 13/09 Why libraries can and must change (books, librarian, libraries, library) (by The Conversation) 14/09 Metadata 2020 initiative launched (innovation, metadata, science communication) (by RealKM Magazine) 14/09 How dragonflies can help autonomous vehicles (autonomous cars, autonomous vehicles) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/09 Education and training in digital skills for life and work (digital literacy, digital skills, education, training) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/09 The link between basic research and innovation (innovation, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/09 Managing knowledge assets for open innovation (innovation, open innovation) (by Bruce Boyes) 28/09 Are team building events great or awful? (employees, gamification, team building, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/09 Inclusion and diversity found to lead to better decision-making (decisions, diversity, inclusion, teams, teamwork) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/09 Does introversion hinder tacit knowledge sharing? (extrovert, introvert, knowledge, tacit) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/10 New model assesses the merits of experts (automation, decisions, experts) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/10 Mapping the conspiracy theory networks of mass shooting events (conspiracy theory, fake news, media, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/10 The onward march of open science (open data, open science, peer review, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/10 Open access research monographs (open access, open science) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/10 How should knowledge management research be conducted? (knowledge management, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/10 The Process of Modeling: Introduction [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 17/10 Research reveals the prevalence of spin in academia (academia, academic publishing, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/10 The Process of Modeling: Why Model? [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 24/10 New research uncovers how we consume science news (academic publishing, media, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/10 Scholarly and information institutions encouraged to sign up to open access 2020 (academic publishing, OA2020, open access, open science) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/10 Success factors of strategic alliances in the construction industry (alliance, construction, industry, partnership) (by Bruce Boyes) 27/10 How you can be part of the “open movement”, and “work open” (open access, open data, open innovation, open science) (by Bruce Boyes) 31/10 Are doctors the weak link in terms of medical security? (doctors, healthcare, hospital, medical) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/11 Academic journal publishing is headed for a day of reckoning (academic publishing, journals, research, science) (by The Conversation) 09/11 Why connectivity matters for university success (networks, universities, university) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/11 Experts divided on the future of truth and misinformation online (fake news, internet, online, technology) (by Stephen Bounds) 16/11 How to use email more efficiently (communication, email, email overload, technology, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/11 Science’s credibility crisis: why it will get worse before it can get better (academic publishing, bad science, research, science) (by The Conversation) 17/11 The Perspectives Project (modeling, systems thinking) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/11 The Process of Modeling: Wrapping It Up [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 22/11 New study reveals the value of open data (data, EU, Europe, European Union, open data) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/11 The potential for strengths-based performance conversations in HR management (appreciative inquiry, CIPD, employees, HR, performance, strengths, workplace) (by Bruce Boyes) 28/11 Lessons to learn from professional fact checkers (fact check, fact checking, fake news, internet, online) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/11 A close up look at the social networks of Lake Victoria’s fisherfolk (fishermen, fishers, fishing, social network, social networking, sustainability) (by The Conversation) 01/12 Unconsciously biased [Thinking is hard series] (bias, cognitive, cognitive biases, thinking, thinking about thinking) (by Buster Benson) 01/12 Public comment period now open for draft knowledge management standard ISO 30401 (iso, ISO 30401, km standard, knowledge management standard, standards) (by RealKM Magazine) 05/12 An empowered employee equals a proactive one (employees, empowerment, proactive, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/12 One bias to rule them all [Thinking is hard series] (bias, cognitive, cognitive biases, thinking, thinking about thinking) (by Buster Benson) 08/12 A practitioner’s reflection on #KMELB2017 (collaboration, conferences, creativity) (by Dr David Williams) 08/12 Moving towards better evidence-based decisions in HR (evidence based, HR, HRM, human resources) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/12 How groups influence decision making (decisions, groups, social network, social networks, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/12 Great zinger! [Thinking is hard series] (bias, cognitive bias, cognitive biases, thinking, zing) (by Buster Benson) 18/12 How employee engagement affects the bottom line (employee engagement, employees, engagement, happiness, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/12 Knowledge management in 2017: the year in review (2017 in review, year in review) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/12 Happy holidays from RealKM Magazine (seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 26/12 Indigenous languages must feature more in science communication (communication, indigenous, language, science) (by The Conversation)
02/01 The top 100 most-discussed journal articles of 2017 (academic publishing, altmetrics, journals) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/01 When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts (AI, artificial intelligence, performance) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/01 Release of RealKM Open KM Syllabus (curriculum, knowledge management, OER) (by Stephen Bounds) 10/01 Buying time promotes happiness (happiness, income, time management, wellbeing, work-life balance) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/01 How far has AI really come? (AI, artificial intelligence, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/01 YABI (yet another bad KPI) – the problems with Net Promoter Score (KPI, KPIS, loyalty, Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, NPS) (by Stephen Bounds) 11/01 Implementing the RealKM Open KM Syllabus (China, curriculum, education, knowledge management, OER, Shanxi, syllabus, universities) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/01 Why I developed the RealKM Open KM Syllabus, and the next steps (curriculum, education, knowledge management, syllabus, universities) (by Stephen Bounds) 16/01 Wisdom of the inner crowd (wisdom, wisdom of the crowd) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/01 New knowledge management books (January 2018) (books, knowledge management, productivity, public service, public services) (by RealKM Magazine) 18/01 Dirt [Thinking is hard series] (dirt, life, systems thinking, thinking) (by Buster Benson) 22/01 In 2018, RealKM Connect is going online (education, knowledge management) (by Stephen Bounds) 24/01 MIT spinout aims to make data scientists heroes (AI, artificial intelligence, big data, data, data science, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/01 Systems thinking for kids [Thinking is hard series] (children, education, systems, systems thinking) (by Buster Benson) 30/01 What can machines do today? (jobs, machine learning, workforce) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/02 MESH international knowledge management system for teachers (education, SDG, SDG4, SDGs, teachers, teaching, UNESCO) (by Bruce Boyes) 06/02 The public disengagement with science (academic publishing, communication, research, science, science communication) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/02 How to use critical thinking to spot false climate claims (climate change, climate science, critical thinking, thinking) (by The Conversation) 11/02 Equilibria and Stability Analysis: Equilibrium Points [Systems thinking & modelling series] (equilibrium, modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 13/02 Predictive algorithms are no better at telling the future than a crystal ball (algorithm, algorithms, business, HR, management, manager, prediction, predictive analytics) (by The Conversation) 15/02 The impact scandal has on your career (career, employment, HR, jobs, recruiting, recruitment, resume, workforce) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/02 Equilibria and Stability Analysis: The Phase Plane [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, phase plane, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 20/02 Delhi Declaration on Open Access (academic publishing, india, open access, open access week, open science) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/02 Teaching machines to cooperate (AI, artificial intelligence, cooperation, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/02 US indicts Russians for fake news “information warfare”: can knowledge management help the fight? (2016 election, fake news, information warfare, Mueller investigation, Russia, Russians, US politics) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/02 Can innovation be commoditized? (case studies, case study, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/02 Equilibria and Stability Analysis: Stability Analysis [Systems thinking & modelling series] (equilibrium, modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 01/03 How to manage complex adaptive systems for real results (complexity, modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/03 How open plan offices strangle collaboration (collaboration, office, offices, workspace) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/03 Improving gender equality in knowledge management (diversity, gender, gender parity, women) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/03 How sharing knowledge can help your career (career, KMS, knowledge management systems, knowledge sharing, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/03 How best to communicate in diverse teams (communication, diversity, gender, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/03 R.I.P. Mike Beedle, business agility visionary (agile, Mike Beedle, scrum) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/03 Does social media harm the academic performance of students? (academic, school, social media, students) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/03 Sidelining citizens when deciding on transport projects is asking for trouble (community, community engagement, consultation, ISO 30401, participation) (by The Conversation) 30/03 A systems thinking perspective on guns at school (gun control, Parkland school shooting, school shooting, systems, systems thinking) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/04 Optimization and Complexity: Goodness of Fit [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 03/04 New report explores the skills of the future (AI, future, future of work, learning, skills, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/04 Implementing KM standard ISO 30401: risks and opportunities (iso, ISO 30401, km standard, standards) (by Bruce Boyes) 06/04 You’re invited to become a RealKM Magazine Patron! (crowdfunding, patreon, patron) (by RealKM Magazine) 10/04 How AI can lead to smarter cities (AI, artificial intelligence, Didi, ride sharing, smart cities) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/04 Universities should take stronger leadership on knowledge and how it matters (epistemology, knowledge, learning, pedagogy, students, universities) (by The Conversation) 13/04 The role of emotions in knowledge management (emotional intelligence, emotions) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/04 Why sponsor RealKM Magazine? (crowdfunding, patreon, patron) (by RealKM Magazine) 17/04 Why retaining talent is so important for merger success (knowledge transfer, Mergers, Mergers and Acquisitions, The) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/04 Optimization and Complexity: The Cost of Complexity [Systems thinking & modelling series] (complexity, modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 23/04 How accountable should algorithms be? (AI, algorithm, algorithms, artificial intelligence) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/04 The implications of cloud services on the sovereignty of countries (cloud, Cloud Act, Cloud Computing, data, Microsoft) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/04 Evidence summaries from ScienceForWork and GetFacts (evidence, evidence based, management) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/04 Modeling With Agents: Introduction [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 01/05 Deloitte Chart The Rise Of The Social Enterprise (human capital, social enterprise, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/05 Critical Eye: The damage of “science by media release” (journals, open access, research, science, science communication, social media) (by Stephen Bounds) 04/05 Doing an after-action review (AAR) online (AAR, after action review, development) (by Tony Pryor) 08/05 How conspiracy theories spread online (bias, confirmation bias, conspiracy theories) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/05 I watched an entire Flat Earth Convention for my research – here’s what I learnt (conspiracy theories, flat earthers, knowledge, science) (by The Conversation) 11/05 Knowledge exchange and creation at the grassroots (development, SDG, trust) (by Dr Sarah Cummings) 11/05 The strategic knowledge management map: a model in progress (Johari Window, knowledge management, strategy) (by Aprill Allen) 15/05 Modeling With Agents: Creating Agents [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 15/05 What AI can teach us about stereotypes (AI, artificial intelligence, bias, stereotypes) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/05 Can AI make recruitment fairer? (AI, artificial intelligence, HR, recruiting, recruitment) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/05 Complexity theory course (complex, complexity) (by RealKM Magazine) 29/05 Modeling With Agents: Agent Geography [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 30/05 How the crowd can become wiser (crowds, wisdom, wisdom of the crowd) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/06 Seven big new things in knowledge management (knowledge management) (by Bruce Boyes) 06/06 Cultural perceptions of activity levels (activity, culture) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/06 The phantom breath tests (KPIS, performance) (by Stephen Bounds) 14/06 How to build successful multi-cultural teams (culture, diversity, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/06 The best social networks for complex innovations to spread (innovation, innovations, social network) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/06 Going Global: Introduction [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking, web design, web development) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 25/06 Australia’s public servants: dedicated, highly trained … and elitist (community, decision-making, public service) (by The Conversation) 26/06 Using virtual environments to improve eye-witness testimonies (crime, testimony, virtual reality, witness) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/06 Fake news and the return of credentials (credentials, fake news, journalism, media) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/06 The case for professional accreditation of KM (accreditation, certification, knowledge management) (by Stephen Bounds) 28/06 CILIP’s Chartered Knowledge Manager: a timely and much needed accreditation? (accreditation, certification, CILIP, KM Chartership, knowledge management) (by Paul J Corney) 03/07 Going Global: The Web in a Nutshell [Systems thinking & modelling series] (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, web design, web development) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 10/07 Going Global: Creating a Webpage for Engagement [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking, web design, web development) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 11/07 The predictive power of AI (AI, artificial intelligence, predictions) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/07 Going Global: Flight Simulators and Serious Games [Systems thinking & modelling series] (modeling, systems thinking, web design, web development) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 18/07 How effective are co-working spaces at promoting collaboration? (collaboration, community, coworking, creativity) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/07 A new study should be the final nail for open-plan offices (collaboration, office, offices, workspace) (by The Conversation) 23/07 Going Global: Additional Tips [Systems thinking & modelling series] (JavaScript, modeling, systems thinking, web design, web development) (by Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger) 25/07 The exclusivity of university collaboration (collaboration, research, universities) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/07 Testing the reliability of research data (data, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/08 Tailoring your knowledge approach to the people you employ (careers, employees, workplace) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/08 MIT explore what impact AI will have on work (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/08 The rise of the modern elder (employees, mentoring, wisdom, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/08 Happy third birthday RealKM Magazine! (birthday, Happy Birthday) (by RealKM Magazine) 16/08 Using bibliometric analysis, network analysis, and visualization to evaluate KM as an academic discipline (academic publishing, bibliometrics, knowledge management, research, scientometrics) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/08 Information literacy and evidence-based knowledge management (evidence based, information literacy) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/08 New report aims to demystify open government (open government, opengov) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/09 Open science by design (open data, open science, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/09 Knowledge Futures / Future Knowledges (digital transformation, knowledge) (by Dr Juergen Rudolph) 12/09 Using machine learning to help treat cystic fibrosis (AI, artificial intelligence, cystic fibrosis, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/09 Is organizational learning being absorbed by knowledge management? (knowledge management, organizational learning) (by Bruce Boyes) 17/09 How stress impacts our ability to process bad news (risk, risk management, stress) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/09 Meaningful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge (Aboriginal, indigenous, knowledge, libraries) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/09 Is our brain able to think rationally, even when we don’t? (bias, cognitive bias, cognitive biases) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/10 Developing non-academic skills in the future of work (future of work, skills, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/10 New third edition of the Agenda Knowledge for Development (SDG, SDGs, sustainable development) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/10 When will developing countries stop importing knowledge? (Africa, development, global south) (by Charles Dhewa) 10/10 Putting clinical evidence into practice (health, healthcare, medicine, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/10 Re-assessing the practice of knowledge brokering (development, knowledge brokers, SDG, SDGs) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/10 Making sense of, and making progress with, Industry 4.0 (digital transformation, Industry 4.0, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/10 If you’re not evidence-based, what are you? (evidence based) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/10 Paywall The Movie (open access, open access week, Paywall The Movie, paywalls) (by RealKM Magazine) 31/10 How email can stop you from being a good leader (email, email overload, leadership, managers) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/11 New ISO 30401:2018 knowledge management standard now available (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, standards) (by RealKM Magazine) 06/11 Five projects that are harnessing big data for good (big data, data science) (by The Conversation) 06/11 Lack of workplace training puts AI revolution at risk (AI, artificial intelligence, skills, training) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/11 Knowledge management as a managerial competency (competencies, competency, manager, managers) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/11 Understanding science and research (evidence based, research, science) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/11 How do we judge good from bad? (judgement, morals) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/11 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 1): Overview (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 16/11 Best practices aren’t (best practice, best practices) (by Michael Quinn Patton) 21/11 Why do we discount facts that dispute our opinion? (evidence, evidence based, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/11 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 2): Foreword by Robert Chambers (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 26/11 Using the brain to inspire the next generation of computing for AI (AI, artificial intelligence, brain, computing) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/11 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 3): Executive summary (complexity, science, systems thinking) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 28/11 Demystifying systemic thinking for evaluation in post-normal times (complexity, development, gender, SDGs, systems thinking) (by Anne Stephens, Shravanti Reddy, and Ellen D Lewis) 04/12 Why it is (almost) impossible to teach creativity (creativity, education, teaching) (by The Conversation) 04/12 How professional familiarity helps virtual teams thrive (teams, teamwork, virtual, virtual work) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/12 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 4): Introduction (complexity, science, systems thinking) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 10/12 Digesting the future of work (employment, skills, technology, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/12 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 5): Aims and overview of the series (complexity, science, systems thinking) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 13/12 Critical Eye: ISE4GEMs – A new approach for the SDG era (evaluation, SDGs, sustainable development) (by Stephen Bounds) 15/12 RealKM Magazine celebrates award win! (awards, CILIP) (by RealKM Magazine) 18/12 How do academic ideas spread? (academia, ideas, universities) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/12 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 6): Background – The RAPID programme and the focus on change (complexity, science, systems thinking) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 20/12 Happy holidays from RealKM Magazine! (seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/12 The top 100 most-discussed journal articles of 2018 (academic publishing, journals, open access) (by Bruce Boyes)
09/01 How often should teams communicate? (communication, creativity, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/01 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 7): Origins of complexity sciences (complexity, science, systems thinking) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 10/01 The Ellsberg Paradox and the ambiguity and complexity of decision-making (ambiguity, complexity, decision-making, Ellsberg Paradox) (by Mark Ratchford) 10/01 The psychology behind achieving your New Year’s resolutions (agile, goals, motivation, New Years Resolutions, psychology) (by Stephen Bounds) 15/01 What factors underpin the erosion of trust in science? (experts, poltical, religious, science, trust) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/01 Is the popular narrative harming development of AI? (AI, artificial intelligence, communication, media) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/01 What is organisational culture, anyway? (culture, organisational culture) (by Stephen Bounds) 27/01 Evaluating ISO 30401 standard: Part 2 – Has the standard improved? (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, standards) (by Stephen Bounds) 31/01 Vital Signs: the power of not being too clear (bonus, incentives, rewards) (by The Conversation) 07/02 Why the flow of ideas is vital for an innovation ecosystem (ideas, innovation, trade secrets) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/02 Humans remain central to the future of work (creativity, education, future of work, learning, skills, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/02 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 13): Concept 4 – Nonlinearity (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 27/02 The path to People-Led Innovation (agile, complexity, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/02 KM Asia 2019 conference, 9-10 April, Hong Kong (conferences, KM Asia) (by RealKM Magazine) 05/03 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 14): Concept 5 – Sensitivity to initial conditions (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 07/03 Does nudging always result in better decisions? (behavioural economics, nudge, nudging) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/03 Nudge initiative creates confusion and undermines trust (behavioural economics, behavioural insights, behavioural science, nudge, nudging) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/03 Inverting investment modelling to add rigour to benefits management (accounting, corporate accountability, internal rate of return, IRR, return on investment, ROI) (by Stephen Bounds) 13/03 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 15): Concept 6 – Phase space and attractors (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 14/03 Three initiatives that are helping to address the global knowledge imbalance (Africa, culture, indigenous, traditional knowledge) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/03 The Knowledge Translation Complexity Network (KTCN) model (complex adaptive systems, complexity, healthcare) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/03 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 17): Concept 8 – Adaptive agents (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 27/03 Using AI To improve innovation (AI, artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/03 The global South is changing how knowledge is made, shared and used (global north, global south, knowledge) (by The Conversation) 03/04 Smart cities are global cities (cities, smart cities) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/04 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 18): Concept 9 – Self-organisation (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 12/04 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 19): Concept 10 – Co-evolution (complexity, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 12/04 3 reasons why being a polymath is key in the future of work (careers, future of work, innovation, skills, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/04 KM + AI = ? (AI, artificial intelligence) (by Matt Moore) 17/04 Facilitation insights guide (facilitate, facilitation) (by RealKM Magazine) 17/04 Evaluating ISO 30401 standard: Part 3 – What are the mandatory requirements? (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, standards) (by Stephen Bounds) 22/04 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 20): Conclusions – summary (complexity, development, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 23/04 The importance of the Knowledge Quarter to innovation in London (innovation, Knowledge Quarter, London) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/04 A simple decision tree to guide adaptive management (adaptive management, development) (by Stephen Bounds) 30/04 Post-Truth: A Response to David Clarke (brexit, David Clarke, post-truth, Trump) (by Matt Moore) 01/05 Trust and knowledge sharing (communication, knowledge sharing, trust) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/05 The KM transformation outlook (KM Asia 2019 presentation) (737 MAX, complexity, ISO 30401, KM transformation, recalls) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/05 How meaningful work encourages knowledge sharing (design, knowledge sharing, motivation, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/05 5 tips on how to be a good mentor to someone twice your age (mentoring, millennials, work) (by The Conversation) 12/05 Case studies in complexity (part 3): Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul people (Aboriginal, case studies, complexity, indigenous, Jagera, Ugarapul, Yuggera) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/05 Announcing the new RealKM Cooperative! (cooperatives, knowledge management, RealKM) (by RealKM Magazine) 15/05 The contextual support decision makers need (complexity, decision support, decision-making, decisions, DSS) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/05 Is the theory of planned behaviour an accurate predictor of knowledge sharing behaviour? (attitude, behaviour, intention, knowledge sharing, MASEM, PRISMA, theory of planned behaviour) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/05 How could the Light Triad help knowledge management? (dark triad, light triad, Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/05 Bridging the credibility gap in science communication (engagement, science, science communication) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/05 Facilitating knowledge sharing in higher education institutions (colleges, higher education, knowledge sharing, universities) (by Bruce Boyes) 31/05 Too much information shortens our attention span (attention span, information, information overload) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/06 Initiatives address the dark side of academic publishing (academic publishing, journals, predatory, predatory journals) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/06 Making the right connections at work (broker, brokering, knowledge brokers, social networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/06 Exploring the science of complexity series (part 27): Concluding remarks – Our View: Champions, pragmatists or critics? (complexity, development, humanitarian, science) (by Ben Ramalingam and Harry Jones with Toussaint Reba and John Young) 15/06 Problem solving in a world full of interruptions (problem solving, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/06 The urgent need for media literacy in an age of annihilation (fake news, media, media literacy, news, stories) (by The Conversation) 26/06 Are creative individuals best at envisioning the future? (creative, creativity, distal imagination, future, prediction) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/06 Bellingcat’s report on MH17 shows citizens can and will do intelligence work (crowdsourcing, intelligence, wisdom of the crowd) (by The Conversation) 03/07 Past work experience is a poor predictor of future performance (employment, experience, recruiting, recruitment, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/07 Public Lecture: Evidence-Based Management, Monday 15 July 2019 (Canberra, events, evidence, evidence based) (by RealKM Magazine) 08/07 Co-creation rules of engagement (co-create, co-creation, SDGs) (by RealKM Magazine) 10/07 How leaking knowledge can derail quality improvements (knowledge, knowledge loss, quality, retirement) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/07 #ComplexityExplained resources (complex, complexity, science, systems) (by RealKM Magazine) 18/07 Team-building exercises can be a waste of time. You achieve more by getting personal (communication, social network, social network analysis, team building, teams) (by The Conversation) 18/07 Getting to the heart of the problems with Boeing, Takata, and Toyota (part 3): Toyota, Takata, and cognitive biases (airbags, Boeing, cognitive biases, complex, complexity, quality, recalls, Takata, Toyota) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/07 The power of non-financial incentives (incentives, job, meaning, satisfaction, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/07 How useful is neuro‐linguistic programming in organisational settings? (neuro‐linguistic programming, NLP, organisations, psychology, systematic review) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/07 What are the benefits of workplace mindfulness training? (mindfulness, systematic review, training, workplace) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/07 How a balanced social network aids our decision making (decision-making, networks, relationships, social network, social networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/07 Fudged research results erode people’s trust in experts (academic fraud, research, retractions, science) (by The Conversation) 31/07 Variables that moderate the impact of incentives on knowledge sharing behaviour (complex, complexity, incentives, knowledge sharing, motivation, rewards) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/08 Case studies in complexity (part 4): Mothers Opposing Pollution (MOP) (black swan, complex, complexity, fake news, grey rhino, lobby groups, Mothers Opposing Pollution, unknown unknowns) (by Bruce Boyes) 06/08 Employers need to take a proactive approach to learning at work (employees, learning, skills, training, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/08 How do we liberate agriculture and development from academic preferences (academic publishing, development, journals, local knowledge) (by Charles Dhewa) 08/08 What about ignorance management? (ignorance, ignorance management) (by Matt Moore) 11/08 Book review – KM Cookbook (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, iso 9001, KM Cookbook, km standard, standards) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/08 What is our motivation when gathering information? (bias, cognitive bias, confirmation bias, evidence, information, misinformation) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/08 New ways of working mean new ways of leading (agile, change, change management, leadership) (by Lena Ross) 21/08 The cognitive diversity that makes for the best teams (cognitive, diversity, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/08 Key concepts for making informed choices (decision-making, evidence, evidence based) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/08 Happy fourth birthday RealKM Magazine! (birthday, Happy Birthday, RealKM) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/08 Why the concept of “valuing” knowledge and information can be misleading (context, return on investment, ROI, valuation) (by Patrick Lambe) 27/08 Using games to lift the lid on scientific research (games, gaming, research, science, universities) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/08 MOOC on Ignorance! (complexity, ignorance, MOOC) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/09 In uncertain times it pays to explore (choices, decisions, exploration, uncertainty, VUCA) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/09 What it takes to navigate cultural differences in a global business world (business, cultural differences, cultural intelligence, culture) (by The Conversation) 05/09 The interplay between knowledge and power (complexity, governance, political, polycentric, power, uncertainty) (by i2insights) 11/09 How diversity boosts team performance (diversity, team performance, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/09 Data ethics – making it real (AI, artificial intelligence, data, ethics) (by Matt Moore) 13/09 What does the research say about knowledge management maturity models? (KM maturity, KM maturity models, maturity models) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/09 ‘There is a problem’: Australia’s top scientist Alan Finkel pushes to eradicate bad science (incentives, predatory, predatory journals, research, science) (by The Conversation) 17/09 How the smartphone can give us a better understanding of people dynamics (airports, railways, smartphone, smartphones, transport) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/09 Blame aversion versus risk aversion (#NotMyDebt series background) (blame, Centrelink, risk, robodebt, workplace culture) (by Meredith Lewis) 23/09 Planning and strategy development in the face of complexity series (part 12): Conclusions (complex, complexity, planning, strategy) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 24/09 The questions that reveal how machines think (AI, artificial intelligence, chatbots, language processing, machine learning, question answering) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/09 A reading list and primer on digital disinformation (disinformation, fake news) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/09 Merchants of misinformation are all over the internet. But the real problem lies with us (fake news, internet, misinformation, social media, values) (by The Conversation) 02/10 Do generalists have poorer social networks than specialists? (complex contagion, generalists, skills, social network analysis, social networks, specialists) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/10 Case studies in complexity (part 5): Queensland land clearing campaign (complexity, conservation, deliberative democracy, land clearing) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/10 The problem of living inside echo chambers (echo chamber, science, social media, trust) (by The Conversation) 09/10 Why men and machine are the best team in materials science (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, materials science) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/10 Managing in the face of complexity (part 1): Introduction (complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 11/10 How can we know unknown unknowns? (unknown unknowns) (by i2insights) 16/10 What impact do coworkers have on our own performance? (collaboration, performance, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/10 Freedom of thought is under attack – here’s how to save your mind (big data, brain-computer interfaces, machine learning, psychology) (by The Conversation) 22/10 Managing in the face of complexity (part 2.2): Task 1: Assess the level of uncertainty (complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 28/10 Managing in the face of complexity (part 2.3): Task 2: Assess the level of agreement (complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 03/11 Here’s why memories come flooding back when you visit places from your past (context, contextual-binding theory, memories, memory) (by The Conversation) 04/11 Managing in the face of complexity (part 2.4): Task 3: Assess the distribution of capacities (capacity, complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 05/11 New report urges government action on brain-machine linkups (brain-computer interfaces, neural interfaces) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/11 Microsoft’s Project Cortex brings AI to knowledge management (AI, artificial intelligence, knowledge sharing, Microsoft, networks, Project Cortex) (by RealKM Magazine) 11/11 Managing in the face of complexity (part 3.1): Tailoring management approaches to complex situations (complex, complexity, management, managing, RBM, results-based management) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 12/11 Will we ever be empowered with our own data? (data, ownership, privacy) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/11 Principles for sustained collaboration (collaboration, relationships) (by Dr Arthur Shelley) 20/11 Managing in the face of complexity (part 3.2): A. Move from static to adaptive management (adaptive management, complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 21/11 Is your organization ‘age ready’? (age, experience, older) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/11 Managing in the face of complexity (part 3.3): B. Move from directive to collaborative management (collaboration, complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 26/11 The need for academics to develop collaborative skills (academia, collaboration, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/11 CILIP KM Chartership takes shape! (CILIP, ISO 30401, KM Chartership) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/12 How collective intelligence and AI can make citizens’ lives better (AI, artificial intelligence, citizen engagement, collective intelligence, public services) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/12 The emerging concept of boundary objects in knowledge management (boundary objects, collaboration, cooperation, knowledge brokers, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/12 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.1): Appropriate approaches – 1. Cynefin framework (complex, complexity, Cynefin, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 09/12 How the right people are key to successful brainstorming (big five, brainstorming, conversations, five-factor model, openness, personality) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/12 Twitter initiates a second reform in response to the growing criticism of social media (Dorsey, Facebook, protocols, social media, Twitter, Zuckerberg) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/12 Is experiential learning the future of professional education? (adaptability, education, experiential learning, soft skills) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/12 SOAS University of London leads the way with its approach to open access (academic publishing, decolonising, journals, open access) (by RealKM Magazine) 20/12 Where are we at with the big new things in knowledge management? (CILIP, cocreation, decolonial, evidence based, knowledge, WOL, Working Out Loud) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/12 Happy holidays from RealKM Magazine! (seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/12 I had an idea in the 1980s and to my surprise, it changed education around the world (cognitive load theory, critical thinking, education, learning, memory, teaching) (by The Conversation) 24/12 Scientists rise up against statistical significance [Top 100 journal articles of 2019] (evidence based, p values, research, statistical significance) (by Bruce Boyes) 24/12 The top 100 most-discussed journal articles of 2019: Introduction (Altmetric, altmetrics, journals, open access, top 100) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/12 Knowledge is a process of discovery: how constructivism changed education (constructivism, constructivist, education, groups, learning) (by The Conversation)
02/01 AI learns the essence of an image dataset to create believable invented photos [Top 100 journal articles of 2019] (AI, artificial intelligence, GANs, generative adversarial networks, machine learning, personas) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/01 The ethical imperative for diverse viewpoints and debate (debate, diversity, media, polarization, science, social media) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/01 Should the brightest talent coalesce in ‘cognitive hubs’? (cognition, complex, complexity, talent) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/01 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.4): Appropriate approaches – 4. Solution Focus (complex, complexity, management, managing, solutions) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 15/01 How misinformation can be tough to shift (fake news, misinformation) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/01 Knowledge management in 2019: the year in review (2019 in review, review, year in review) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/01 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.5): Appropriate approaches – 5. Deliberative processes (complex, complexity, deliberative, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 21/01 How power influences our cognitive performance (cognition, cognitive, power) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/01 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.6): Appropriate approaches – 6. Viable System Model (VSM) (complex, complexity, management, managing, Viable System Model, VSM) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 28/01 The hidden linkages that underpin technological success (linkages, networks, technological, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/01 You can lead a firm to knowledge but you can’t make it think (learning, lessons, lessons learned) (by Dennis Pearce) 01/02 Managers should encourage time for non-work chats (chatting, collaboration, conversations, discussion, relationships) (by Dr Antonia Dietmann, AFBPsS, C.Psychol) 03/02 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.7): Appropriate approaches – 7. Capacity WORKS (Capacity WORKS, complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 04/02 Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview (climate change, denial, identity, ignorance, political) (by The Conversation) 04/02 How older workers extract knowledge from tech savvy youngsters at work (intergenerational, mentoring, reverse mentoring, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/02 No food, no fuel, no phones: bushfires showed we’re only ever one step from system collapse (bushfire, bushfires, complex, complexity, systems, systems thinking) (by The Conversation) 07/02 Lessons Learned Part 2: What is a Lesson? (learning, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 11/02 Managing in the face of complexity (part 4.8): Appropriate approaches – 8. Networked management and co-management (co-management, complex, complexity, management, managing, networks) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 13/02 Wearing an adversarial patch can fool automated security cameras [Top 100 journal articles of 2019] (AI, artificial intelligence, espionage, neural networks, security, surveillance) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/02 Lessons Learned Part 3: Initiation and Recognition (after action review, communities of practice, lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning, peer assist) (by Dennis Pearce) 16/02 Managing in the face of complexity (part 5): Conclusions (complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 18/02 How teams can function when they have conflicting goals (conflict, goals, team work, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/02 Lessons Learned Part 4: Capture (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 23/02 Moving towards the knowledge needed to resolve complex problems (complex, complexity, dialectic, knowledge, learning) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/02 Managing in the face of complexity (part 6): Additional useful resources (complex, complexity, management, managing) (by Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones) 26/02 How best to share knowledge in interdisciplinary teams (interdisciplinary, knowledge sharing, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/02 Lessons Learned Part 5: Capture Using After Action Reviews (AAR, after action review, lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 02/03 Cognitive bias sorting and resources (bias, cognitive biases, thinking) (by Jurij Fedorov) 03/03 New research highlights how AI can accurately detect breast cancer (AI, artificial intelligence, breast cancer, mammogram, radiology) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/03 Predicting the coronavirus outbreak: How AI connects the dots to warn about disease threats (AI, artificial intelligence, coronavirus, COVID-19, epidemiology, machine learning) (by The Conversation) 05/03 Lessons Learned Part 6: Ten Tips for Facilitating After Action Reviews (AAR, after action review, lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 09/03 How do we feel when we know what our colleagues earn? (happiness, income, open knowledge, transparency, wellbeing) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/03 Decolonial Subversions: New multilingual open access publishing platform (decolonial, decolonise, decolonising, global south, open access) (by RealKM Magazine) 13/03 Lessons Learned Part 7: Additional Ways to Capture Lessons (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 13/03 Taking responsibility for complexity: Foreword (complex, complexity, implementation, responsibility) (by Harry Jones) 20/03 Taking responsibility for complexity: Executive summary (complex, complexity, implementation, responsibility) (by Harry Jones) 21/03 Are people ready to work from home? (coronavirus, COVID-19, working from home) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/03 COVID-19 and Digital Workplaces – Status Report (coronavirus, COVID-19, digital, webinar, working from home, workplace) (by RealKM Magazine) 24/03 How to bridge the gap between industry and academia (academia, hubs, industry, innovation, knowledge transfer, R&D) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/03 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 1): Introduction (complex, complexity, implementation, responsibility) (by Harry Jones) 26/03 Lessons Learned Part 9: Validation (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 27/03 Crisis knowledge management: Reconfiguring behavioural science for COVID-19 crisis response (behavioural science, coronavirus, COVID-19, crisis, evidence based) (by Bruce Boyes) 28/03 Why it is a unique time to demonstrate the value of knowledge management (KM) practices – Creating value from one’s knowledge (business continuity planning, continuity of operations planning, coronavirus, COVID-19, disaster preparedness, resilience) (by Bill Kaplan) 31/03 Young people want to better the world, but don’t know how (education, environment, schools, skills, social) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/04 How not to fall for coronavirus BS: avoid the 7 deadly sins of thought (coronavirus, COVID-19, misinformation, thinking) (by The Conversation) 05/04 Lessons Learned Part 10: Scoping (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning, scoping) (by Dennis Pearce) 05/04 An example of how knowledge from the Global South can help the COVID-19 response (community, coronavirus, COVID-19, decolonisation, global north, global south) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/04 The benefits of corporate intrapreneurship (entrepreneur, ideas, innovation, intrapreneur) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/04 Lessons Learned Part 11: Storage (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 13/04 Accelerating evolution in your knowledge ecology (complex, complexity, evolution, knowledge ecology, systems) (by Dr Steven E. Wallis) 14/04 How Twitter can help track the spread of COVID-19 (big data, coronavirus, COVID-19, data, social media, Twitter) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/04 Lessons Learned Part 12: Dissemination (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 21/04 Informing timely epidemic research responses through knowledge management (coronavirus, COVID-19, knowledge base, pandemic, research, zika) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/04 Busting coronavirus myths will take more than science: lessons from an AIDS study (coronavirus, COVID-19, disinformation, misinformation, myths, pandemic, storytelling) (by The Conversation) 22/04 In a world of dark data, knowing what we don’t know is key (big data, dark data, data, decision-making, unknowns) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/04 Lessons Learned Part 13: Integration (integration, lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 30/04 Coronavirus shows the urgency of ensuring that research gets into the public domain (community, coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, public, research) (by The Conversation) 06/05 How to effectively promote citizen engagement through government social media during the COVID-19 crisis (community engagement, coronavirus, COVID-19, engagement, pandemic, social media) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/05 People are happy to share data if it improves government service (chatbots, data, data sharing, government) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/05 Lessons Learned Part 14: Maintenance (lessons, lessons learned, organisational learning) (by Dennis Pearce) 18/05 Why statistics need narrative in order to stick (narrative, statistics, story, storytelling) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/05 The knowledge disruption from fast and frugal innovation in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus, COVID-19, frugal innovation, innovation, pandemic, rapid learning) (by Bruce Boyes) 20/05 A systems exploration of the COVID-19 crisis (coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, systems, systems thinking) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/05 Call for papers: Mass collaboration and knowledge management (collaboration, coronavirus, COVID-19, mass collaboration, pandemic) (by RealKM Magazine) 26/05 How free data can transform innovation (data, open data) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/05 Because You Need to Know – David Gurteen (conversations, knowledge cafes, leadership) (by Edwin K. Morris) 01/06 Because You Need to Know – Dr. Irma Becerra (coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, universities) (by Edwin K. Morris) 02/06 Disclosing COVID-19 cases in public is more effective than lockdown (coronavirus, COVID-19, disclosure, lockdown, pandemic, South Korea) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/06 Because You Need to Know – Dr. Liz Herman (contact centres) (by Edwin K. Morris) 05/06 Many Voices: an intervention for inclusive knowledge (conversations, decolonisation, decolonising, privilege) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/06 How machine learning can improve patient communication (communication, health, machine learning, medicine, outreach) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/06 Because You Need to Know – Dr. Arthur Shelley (behaviour, leadership, organisational knowledge) (by Edwin K. Morris) 16/06 How Russian trolls polarized the vaccine debate (anti-vax, COVID-19, Russian, trolls, vaccination) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/06 Misinformation slows our collective response during crises (collective, communication, evacuation, misinformation, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/06 Report review – State of Community Management 2020 (communities, COVID-19, decolonisation, online) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/06 Regulating surprises (agile, innovation, surprises, Working Out Loud) (by Dennis Pearce) 30/06 How training helps with employee retention (employees, retention, training) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/06 Collaborating with care: Experiences from a virtual workshop (collaboration, online, virtual work, Zoom) (by Science for Sustainability) 07/07 ‘Digital twins’ can help monitor infrastructure and save us billions (construction, digital, digital twins, infrastructure) (by The Conversation) 08/07 Do policy makers use the latest academic research? (decision-making, evidence, evidence based, government, policy, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/07 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.1.6): Supporting networked governance (accountability, complex, complexity, governance, participation, relationships, trust) (by Harry Jones) 14/07 How improv can help us deal with uncertainty (creativity, improv, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/07 Biases in algorithms hurt those looking for information on health (algorithms, biases, health, healthcare, YouTube) (by The Conversation) 17/07 Knowledge hiding in organizations: Causes, impacts, and the ways forward (knowledge hiding, knowledge risks, knowledge sharing) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/07 What Twitter can tell us about the health of a community (big data, coronavirus, COVID-19, data, geographic, health, pandemic, social media, Twitter) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/07 KM4Dev Knowledge Cafe: Decolonization of Knowledge (decolonisation, decolonise, KM4Dev) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/07 Are we entering a new world of remote work? (coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, remote work, technology, Zoom) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/07 Videos from KM4Dev 20th anniversary sessions (development, KM4Dev, videos) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/07 Critical discourse analysis for policy analysis: a new tool (COVID-19, critical discourse analysis, discourse, KM4Dev, narrative, policy) (by Dr Sarah Cummings) 04/08 Science publishing has opened up during the coronavirus pandemic. It won’t be easy to keep it that way (academic publishing, coronavirus, COVID-19, journals, open access, pandemic, research) (by The Conversation) 05/08 Is social media the source of most COVID misinformation? (coronavirus, COVID-19, media, misinformation, news, social media) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/08 High conviction levels prevent us from updating our beliefs (beliefs, cognitive bias, confirmation bias, thinking) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/08 3 questions to ask yourself next time you see a graph, chart or map (charts, coronavirus, COVID-19, graphs, maps, pandemic, Trump, visualisations) (by The Conversation) 17/08 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.2.2): Iterative impact-oriented monitoring (adaptive management, complex, complexity, evaluation, M&E, monitoring) (by Harry Jones) 18/08 Happy fifth anniversary RealKM Magazine! (anniversary, birthday, RealKM) (by RealKM Magazine) 19/08 Does knowledge reduce stress where COVID is concerned? (anxiety, coronavirus, COVID-19, knowledge, misinformation, pandemic, stress) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/08 How well has knowledge management research helped preparation for COVID-19? (coronavirus, COVID-19, knowledge, pandemic, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/08 How Indigenous knowledge advances modern science and technology (indigenous, science, technology, traditional knowledge) (by The Conversation) 27/08 Tacit knowledge transfer is hampered by COVID-19 work from home. What are the potential solutions? (coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, tacit, tacit knowledge, working from home, Zoom) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/09 Jargon can put people off science (engagement, jargon, science, science communication) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/09 The relationship between knowledge sharing, hiding, and hoarding (knowledge hiding, knowledge hoarding, knowledge risks, knowledge sharing) (by Bruce Boyes) 03/09 CILIP announces the first Chartered Knowledge Manager! (CILIP, KM Chartership, professional development) (by RealKM Magazine) 10/09 Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced (dark side, information suppression, knowledge suppression, science suppression, suppression) (by The Conversation) 10/09 Fake news can boost trust in government (fake news, government, media, misinformation, trust) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/09 5 steps to develop a learning culture at work (learning, organisational culture, skills, upskilling) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/09 Journal review: International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 17/09 Evaluating ISO 30401 standard: Part 4 – Primer on implementation process (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, knowledge management standard, standards) (by Stephen Bounds) 23/09 The infodemic in scientific literature during COVID (academic publishing, AI, artificial intelligence, infodemic, information overload, journals, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/09 Journal review: Journal of Knowledge-Based Innovation in China (JKIC) (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 24/09 Knowledge Value Framework for executives (buy-in, communication, engagement, leaders, leadership, value) (by Stuart French) 30/09 How skills will be crucial as we adapt to the post-COVID world (COVID-19, learning, online learning, skills, training) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/10 Journal review: Knowledge and Process Management (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 01/10 New KM Jobs service (employment, jobs) (by Aprill Allen) 01/10 How effective social change works (activism, agitation, change, innovation, orchestration, social change) (by Stephen Bounds) 07/10 Proximity to universities helps firms to improve (innovation, management, research, skills, universities) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/10 Journal review: Discourse & Communication (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 08/10 A model for rapid learning and action in the face of COVID-19 uncertainty (collaborative learning, COVID-19, healthcare, learning, pandemic, rapid learning) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/10 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.3): Realistic foresight (backcasting, complex, complexity, foresight, horizon scanning, roadmaps, scenario planning, scenarios, stakeholder engagement, trend analysis, visioning) (by Harry Jones) 13/10 Would we do better choosing leaders at random? (leaders, promotion, recruitment, selection) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/10 Where did Victoria go so wrong with contact tracing and have they fixed it? (community engagement, contact tracing, coronavirus, COVID-19, local knowledge, pandemic, Victoria) (by The Conversation) 15/10 Journal review: Common Knowledge (evidence based, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 15/10 Towards a clinical approach to knowledge management (clinical, diagnosis, evidence based, professionalism) (by Stephen Bounds) 20/10 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.4): Peer-to-peer learning (complex, complexity, learning, networks, peer-to-peer) (by Harry Jones) 21/10 Why social connections are key to startup success (connections, networks, social, startups) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/10 Journal review: VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 31/10 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.5): Broadening dialogues (capacity, collaboration, complex, complexity, conversations, participatory, stakeholder engagement) (by Harry Jones) 31/10 The online bubbles journalists converse within (bubbles, communities of practice, CoPs, groupthink, insularity, journalism, media) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/10 In memoriam: Kate Muir (in memoriam, Kate Muir) (by Stephen Bounds) 31/10 ISO 30401 visibility and applicability poll report (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, standards) (by Santhosh Shekar) 03/11 Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.6): Sense making for common ground (boundaries, boundary objects, complex, complexity, negotiation, sensemaking) (by Harry Jones) 07/11 Why you need to think twice about responding to this call for knowledge sharing papers (academic publishing, journals, MDPI, predatory, predatory journals, sustainability, sustainable development) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/11 The infestation of bots and conspiracy theorists on social media pre-election (bots, conspiracy theories, disinformation, fake news, social media, Twitter, US election) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/11 Science communication is more important than ever. Here are 3 lessons from around the world on what makes it work (community engagement, local knowledge, public good, science, science communication, values) (by The Conversation) 13/11 Potential alternative approaches to evaluating knowledge management (KM) program performance (evaluation, MLLE, most significant change, multiple lines and levels of evidence, performance, performance stories, program logic, ROI) (by Bruce Boyes) 13/11 Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) COVID-19 learning: An analysis (coronavirus, COVID-19, development, global south, learning, NGOs, pandemic) (by Dr Rezwan-ul-Alam) 18/11 How tribalism makes us vulnerable to misinformation (disinformation, misinformation, polarisation, political, tribalism) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/11 COVID-19 prompts action to bridge America’s digital divide (Australia, COVID-19, digital divide, internet, lockdown, pandemic, United States) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/11 Doctors are key to overcome the COVID “infodemic” (conspiracy theories, COVID-19, doctors, infodemic, misinformation, pandemic) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/11 Can robots write? Machine learning produces dazzling results, but some assembly is still required (AI, artificial intelligence, GPT-3, machine learning, neural networks, writing) (by The Conversation) 01/12 Case studies in inappropriate responses in the face of complexity (complex, complexity, mindsets, NRM, organisational culture, personality, personality types, thinking) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/12 Misinformation on social media fuels vaccine hesitancy: a global study shows the link (coronavirus, COVID-19, disinformation, misinformation, pandemic, social media, vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, vaccines) (by The Conversation) 07/12 How to know when to kill off corporate activities (zombie projects, zombies) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/12 Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era: Foreword and series overview (academic publishing, decolonisation, digital, open access) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/12 Urban planning, complex systems theory, and contraproductive change (command and control, contraproductive, leadership, management, productive, urban planning) (by Stephen Bounds) 14/12 Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era: Introduction (academia, academic publishing, neoliberalism, open access, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/12 The polarity of online reviews (customer experience, polarisation, reviews) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/12 Critical Eye: Workplace Knowledge Flows (knowledge flows, knowledge sharing, research, research quality, workplace) (by Stephen Bounds) 19/12 Happy holidays from RealKM Magazine! (happy holidays, seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/12 Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (section 1): Colonial influences (academic publishing, colonial, decolonisation, digital, global north, global south, open access) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/12 Is remote learning better than we think? (education, face-to-face, learning, online learning, remote learning, teaching) (by Adi Gaskell) 28/12 Because You Need to Know – Jessica Barousse (accessibility, inclusivity) (by Edwin K. Morris) 28/12 Humans learn from mistakes – so why do we hide our failures? (learning, lessons, nudge, nudging, psychology) (by The Conversation)
03/01 Because You Need to Know – Matthew Viel (command, defence, innovation, military) (by Edwin K. Morris) 03/01 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 1 – Ian Fry (bushfires, COVID-19, guerrilla KM, ISO 30401, km standard, lessons learned, pandemic, standards) (by Santhosh Shekar) 03/01 Using AI to ensure drugs are safe for women (AI, artificial intelligence, drugs, health, machine learning, medicine, women) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/01 Knowledge management in 2020: the year in review (2020 in review, review, year in review) (by Bruce Boyes) 07/01 Because You Need to Know – Guillermo Galdámez (content, taxonomy) (by Edwin K. Morris) 07/01 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 2 – Dr Rachad Najjar (communities, communities of practice, ISO 30401, km standard, standards) (by Santhosh Shekar) 07/01 Older workers are just as keen on learning as younger workers (age, ageism, discrimination, learning, older, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/01 Putting knowledge at the heart of our development strategy (Bangladesh, development, knowledge economy) (by Dr Rezwan-ul-Alam) 14/01 Because You Need to Know – Jim Mullins (customer experience, customer support, e-services, support, technical support) (by Edwin K. Morris) 15/01 3 reasons to study science communication beyond the West (decolonisation, science communication) (by The Conversation) 15/01 The need for new leadership in this COVID-era (complexity, COVID-19, leadership, uncertainty, wicked problems) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/01 The less equal we become, the less we trust science, and that’s a problem (COVID-19, equality, inequality, New Zealand, science, trust, United States) (by The Conversation) 25/01 The top 100 most discussed and shared research and commentary of 2020: Introduction (academic publishing, Altmetric, altmetrics, journals, top 100) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/01 Developing self-efficacy in workers (emotional, flexibility, knowledge workers, self-efficacy) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/01 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 3 – Bill Kaplan (knowledge management) (by Santhosh Shekar) 01/02 Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 1.2): Scholarly communications and social justice (academic publishing, decolonisation, global north, global south, open access, predatory, predatory journals) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/02 Dying in a leadership vacuum [Top 100 research & commentary of 2020] (COVID-19, evidence based, ISO 30401, pandemic, science, Trump, United States) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/02 Because You Need to Know – Special 2020 Edition with Snowden and Shelley (behaviours, COVID-19, knowledge flows, pandemic, society) (by Edwin K. Morris) 05/02 The high failure rate of behavioral nudges (behavioural science, nudge, nudging) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/02 Because You Need to Know – Eugene Victorov (AI, artificial intelligence, Russia) (by Edwin K. Morris) 12/02 Why do narcissists love leadership theories? (leadership, narcissism, theories) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/02 Unequal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientists [Top 100 research & commentary of 2020] (COVID-19, evidence based, research, scientists, WFH, women, work from home) (by Bruce Boyes) 17/02 Three types of knowledge (agency, facts, knowledge, values) (by i2insights) 21/02 How group diversity affects decision making (decision-making, diversity, groups, heterogeneity) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/02 Lessons learned and design thinking – crafting an environmentally and economically balanced national energy policy (blame, design thinking, energy, learning, lessons, lessons learned, policy, Texas, winter) (by Bill Kaplan) 22/02 Can examining cross-disciplinary interactions illuminate unknown unknowns? (cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, unknown unknowns) (by i2insights) 27/02 KM4Dev Knowledge Cafe: Uncomfortable Truths In Development (decolonisation, decolonising, development, KM4Dev) (by KM4Dev) 27/02 Decolonising prevailing systems of knowledge in international development (decolonisation, decolonising, development, knowledge) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/02 Because You Need to Know – Hank Malik (Oman, PDO, petroleum) (by Edwin K. Morris) 02/03 New framework for smarter crowdsourcing (crowds, crowdsourcing, wisdom of the crowd) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/03 Visions of knowledge systems for life on Earth and how to get there (common good, knowledge systems, SDGs, sustainability, sustainable development) (by i2insights) 08/03 Emotionally intelligent leaders bolster innovation (creativity, emotional intelligence, EQ, leadership) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/03 Chartership – Rory Huston tracks the new route for KM practitioners (CILIP, KM Chartership, professional development) (by RealKM Magazine) 15/03 Because You Need to Know – Carol Cole (giving, philanthropy) (by Edwin K. Morris) 18/03 How trust in autonomous products emerges (autonomous, echo, mood, trust) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/03 Is it time for transformations towards “Common Good KM”? (common good, SDGs, second order science, sustainability, sustainable development, transformations) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/03 Because You Need to Know – Tracy Maurer (communities, communities of practice, CoPs, internal) (by Edwin K. Morris) 24/03 Can the scientific approach help startups thrive? (entrepreneurs, scientific method, startups) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/03 A hypothesis is a liability [Top 100 research & commentary of 2020] (AKI, DIKW, hypothesis, models, science, sensemaking, unknown unknowns) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/03 Journal review: International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) (academic publishing, evidence, journals, research) (by Stephen Bounds) 29/03 Because You Need to Know – Jacob Løfdahl (culture, knowledge flows) (by Edwin K. Morris) 01/04 Decolonising knowledge by empowering the margins (academic publishing, decolonisation, decolonising) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/04 Because You Need to Know – Rory Huston (certification, construction, culture, KM Chartership) (by Edwin K. Morris) 02/04 AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour (AI, artificial intelligence, behaviour, decision-making) (by The Conversation) 02/04 In the know: culture, addiction, pace, and trust (addiction, culture, pace, trust) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/04 Key factors in knowledge sharing behaviour in virtual communities of practice (communities of practice, CoPs, VCoPs, virtual, virtual communities of practice) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/04 Why strategies might not be acted upon (action, reciprocity, strategies) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/04 Unis want research shared widely. So why don’t they properly back academics to do it? (knowledge sharing, research, science communication, universities) (by The Conversation) 09/04 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 4 – Dr Arthur Shelley (capability development, knowledge strategy) (by Santhosh Shekar) 09/04 Why do people in organisations withhold their knowledge? (behaviours, hiding, hoarding, withholding) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/04 A picture is worth a 1000 words [Knowledge visualization series part 1] (knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, organisations, visualization) (by Prof Hanlie Smuts) 13/04 Because You Need to Know – Derek Bostic (appreciative inquiry, human experience, lived experience, organizational development) (by Edwin K. Morris) 14/04 Decentralization helps firms weather turbulent times (centralised, COVID-19, crisis, decentralisation, decentralised, decision-making, local knowledge, VUCA) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/04 Purpose, at the core of knowledge visualization [Knowledge visualization series part 2] (knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, purpose, visualization) (by Prof Hanlie Smuts) 19/04 How to successfully pitch your idea to your boss (collaboration, ideas, identity, leaders, managers, personality) (by Adi Gaskell) 21/04 Because You Need to Know – Bart Verheijen (networking, organisational culture, workplace culture) (by Edwin K. Morris) 21/04 KM Lobby PKS – Incredible Edition – Paul Corney (accreditation, certification, KM Chartership, professional development) (by Edwin K. Morris) 22/04 Principles, framing the knowledge visualization [Knowledge visualization series part 3] (knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, principles, visualization) (by Prof Hanlie Smuts) 27/04 Changes in job-related training since COVID-19 (COVID-19, recruitment, skills, training) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/04 Because You Need to Know – Michael Gates (communication, cross-cultural, culture, knowledge flows) (by Edwin K. Morris) 29/04 Tuning resilience and robustness of complex systems (complex, complexity, performance, resilience, robustness, systems) (by Stephen Bounds) 29/04 Design elements towards knowledge visualization efficacy [Knowledge visualization series part 4] (design, efficacy, knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, visualization) (by Prof Hanlie Smuts) 06/05 Because You Need to Know – Ana Neves (knowledge flows, maturity, social networks, social platforms) (by Edwin K. Morris) 06/05 Because You Need to Know – Bill Kaplan (governance, municipal) (by Edwin K. Morris) 06/05 How to be an internal business consultant (change, practices, processes) (by Stephen Bounds) 06/05 Knowledge visualization, it is about the context [Knowledge visualization series part 5] (audience, context, knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, visualization) (by Prof Hanlie Smuts) 11/05 How organizations can manage the future (COVID-19, foresight, futuring, horizon scanning, pandemic, reconfiguring, scanning) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/05 How effective is time management? (time, time management) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/05 What can KM4Dev and RealKM do to assist the decolonisation of knowledge and KM? (decolonisation, decolonising, KM4Dev, narratives, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/05 What are the potential knowledge management (KM) disciplines in an interdisciplinary approach to KM? (customer experience, customer KM, interdisciplinary, KM4Dev, knowledge management, organisational KM, organisations, societal KM, society) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/05 Organization Management Rhythm: Foreword and Overview (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings) (by John Antill) 24/05 Should we all be agile? (agile, modularity) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/05 Book release – Design Knowledge Management System (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, KM system, KMS) (by Santhosh Shekar) 25/05 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 6 – Dr Moria Levy (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard) (by Santhosh Shekar) 25/05 Because You Need to Know – Bruce Boyes (complexity, evidence, evidence based, natural resource management, NRM, stakeholder engagement) (by Edwin K. Morris) 25/05 Because You Need to Know – Bruce Boyes (complexity, evidence, evidence based, natural resource management, NRM, stakeholder engagement) (by Edwin K. Morris) 02/06 Why groupthink helps ideas to spread (bots, groupthink, ideas, influence, social media) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/06 KM Lobby PKS – Incredible Edition – Abbe Wiesenthal (AI, artificial intelligence, content, documentation, information, knowledge sharing, storage) (by Edwin K. Morris) 07/06 What sheep can teach us about driverless cars (autonomous vehicles, driverless cars, herds, influence, peers) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/06 Because You Need to Know – Dr Turan Ayvaz (knowledge management, standards) (by Edwin K. Morris) 11/06 Because You Need to Know – Carolyn Mumby (agile, happiness, human resources, teams, workplace culture) (by Edwin K. Morris) 11/06 The psychology behind knowledge hiding in organisations (emotions, hiding, knowledge hiding, organisations, psychology, withholding) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/06 Organization Management Rhythm (part 1.1): Military meetings (briefings, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, military) (by John Antill) 14/06 How human forecasters collaborate with machines (AI, artificial intelligence, forecasting, SAGE) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/06 Because You Need to Know – Andrew Herd (3 episodes) (knowledge flows, lessons learned) (by Edwin K. Morris) 18/06 Organization Management Rhythm (part 1.2): Lucid Meetings (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings) (by John Antill) 19/06 A twist on reporting (noise, processes, reporting, reports) (by John Antill) 22/06 Remembering the true value of knowledge (knowledge, x rays) (by The Conversation) 23/06 How movement between plants can spark innovation (innovation, knowledge transfer, manufacturing, organisational learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 26/06 Implementation during a time of crisis: The critical role of trusting relationships (agile, co-creation, collaboration, communication, coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, relationships, trust) (by i2insights) 26/06 Organization Management Rhythm (part 1.3): The Cadence Meetings (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings) (by John Antill) 27/06 How do managerial heuristics emerge? (heuristics, lessons, lessons learned, managers, tacit knowledge) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/06 Because You Need to Know – Santhosh Shekar (certification, ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, iso 9001, km standard, standards) (by Edwin K. Morris) 30/06 New game allows players to see how they might fare in the future of work (automation, future of work, games, gamification, jobs, skills) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/07 Organization Management Rhythm (part 1.4): The Catalyst Meetings (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings) (by John Antill) 03/07 The art of non-decision-making (decision-making, decisions) (by i2insights) 05/07 How can corporate upskilling be reimagined? (future of work, potential, skills) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/07 Because You Need to Know – Arshad Ahmed (AR, augmented reality, oil and gas) (by Edwin K. Morris) 10/07 Five shifts to decolonise ecological science – or any field of knowledge (decolonisation, decolonising, ecological, ecology, science) (by The Conversation) 13/07 Creativity is a persistent endeavor (beliefs, creative cliff, creativity, innovation, iterative, perceptions) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/07 Considering uncertainty, awareness and ambiguity as a three-dimensional space (ambiguity, awareness, decision-making, uncertainty, unknown unknowns) (by i2insights) 16/07 Knowledge Bird’s report on the top 5 enterprise support platforms and their pros & cons (customer experience, customer service, customer support, enterprise support platforms) (by Aprill Allen) 17/07 The past, present, and recommended future of knowledge hiding research (bibliometrics, knowledge hiding, knowledge sharing, research, scientometrics) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/07 Business thrives when we find emotional matches (business, emotional intelligence, emotions, EQ, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/07 Because You Need to Know – Ivan Butina (communities of practice, community management, CoPs, UN, UNICEF, World Bank) (by Edwin K. Morris) 23/07 Because You Need to Know – John Hovell (awareness, future of work, organisational development, organisations) (by Edwin K. Morris) 24/07 Five questions about psychological safety, answered (culture, knowledge sharing, learning, psychological safety, trust, workplace) (by Wendy Hirsch) 24/07 Organization Management Rhythm (part 2): Meeting rules (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meeting rules, meetings, rules) (by John Antill) 26/07 New research highlights how error-ridden data used to train AI is (AI, artificial intelligence, data, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/07 Organization Management Rhythm (part 3): Organization Management Rhythm (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, organisations, rhythm) (by John Antill) 30/07 Social enablers and bottom-up approaches for effective knowledge management in sustainable development (bottom-up, organisational learning, social enablers, sustainable development) (by Bruce Boyes) 30/07 Case study: Hunger for knowledge on sustainable development and food security systems in Africa (Africa, common good, food security, Gladys Kemboi, local knowledge, sustainable development) (by Gladys Kemboi (She, Her, Hers)) 04/08 Because You Need to Know – Rob Usher (accounting, big four, EY) (by Edwin K. Morris) 04/08 KnowledgeWebCast Episode 7 – Dr Vincent Ribière (IKI-SEA, knowledge management) (by Santhosh Shekar) 06/08 How scientific communication can spread misinformation (hype, misinformation, science, science communication) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/08 CILIP Knowledge Management Awards 2021 – entries close 15 August (awards, CILIP, knowledge management) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/08 Videos from KM Awareness Week 2021 (awareness, knowledge management, management, organisations) (by Santhosh Shekar) 11/08 Because You Need to Know – Karima Cherif (communications, community engagement, development, marketing, public relations, social change, stakeholder engagement) (by Edwin K. Morris) 11/08 New connections can shock us into creativity (creativity, instability, networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/08 Leadership competencies for knowledge translation in public health (competencies, evidence based, knowledge translation, leadership, public health, research) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/08 Creativity and the Mad Colonel’s OODA Loop (creativity, OODA, OODA loop, personal change) (by Brad Adriaanse) 17/08 The role our peers play in encouraging employee voice (amplification, employee voice, knowledge sharing, speaking up, voice) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/08 Top-down vs. collaborative consensus: using the most appropriate approach for the decision-making level (authoritarian populism, authoritarianism, collaboration, command and control, decision-making, deliberative, top-down) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/08 Happy 6th anniversary RealKM Magazine! (anniversary, knowledge management, RealKM) (by RealKM Magazine) 21/08 KM Lobby PKS – Incredible Edition – Hélène Russell (knowledge lawyer, law firms, legal, legal sector) (by Edwin K. Morris) 21/08 That’s a claim! Thinking critically about management claims (claims, evidence, evidence based, management) (by RealKM Magazine) 25/08 We bullshit at work to fit into our professional community (bullshit, organisational culture, workplace, workplace culture) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/08 Because You Need to Know – Eudald Camprubi (AI, API, artificial intelligence, data, search engines) (by Edwin K. Morris) 28/08 Organization Management Rhythm (part 3.3): Organization Management Rhythm – Critical Path (critical path, decision-making, knowledge sharing, management, meetings) (by John Antill) 28/08 Keys to transformation: Interactions of values, rules, and knowledge (climate change, knowledge, rules, threatened species, values) (by i2insights) 29/08 What about the role of the “Mother of Modern Management” in KM? (Father of Modern Management, feminist, management, Mary Parker Follett, Mother of Modern Management, Peter Drucker, women) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/09 Connecting work and education more effectively (career, education, future of work, skills, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/09 Because You Need to Know – Lloyd Lawrence (knowledge flows, learning, speed learning) (by Edwin K. Morris) 04/09 Organization Management Rhythm (part 4): Change management (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 05/09 Principles for welcoming all voices (decision-making, engagement, shared power, stakeholder engagement, voices) (by i2insights) 08/09 What happens when employees lack power at work (aggession, paranoia, power, powerlessness, work) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/09 Neurodiversity can be a workplace strength, if we make room for it (curiosity, decision-making, evidence based, logical thinking, neurodiversity, work, workplace) (by The Conversation) 12/09 Organization Management Rhythm (part 4.1): Change management – Operating procedures (change management, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, operating procedures) (by John Antill) 12/09 An integrative framework of organizational unlearning (bibliometrics, learning, organisational learning, organizational unlearning, unlearning) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/09 On the job learning and listening to employees builds resilient teams (employees, learning, listening, managers, resilience, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/09 Because You Need to Know – Richard Gold (LEGO, meetings, play, playful techniques, psychological safety, Serious Play, teams) (by Edwin K. Morris) 19/09 Organization Management Rhythm (part 4.2): Change management – Workflow and staff (change management, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 19/09 Knowledge management in family firms (family business, family firms) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/09 Why amplifying colleagues’ voices at work benefits us all (amplification, employee voice, knowledge sharing, voice) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/09 Organization Management Rhythm (part 5): Models (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, models, rhythm) (by John Antill) 26/09 How desk and sitting arrangements affect a team (offices, seating, teams) (by John Antill) 26/09 Interview: US Army reduces meetings by 70% while improving overall information flow (decision-making, knowledge flows, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 29/09 Using AI to predict welfare dependency (AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, welfare) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/10 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6): Tools (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm, tools) (by John Antill) 03/10 Cruise control (assessment, engagement, KM tools, metrics, tools) (by John Antill) 07/10 Video and blog posts – Transforming Knowledge Systems for Life on Earth (common good, knowledge systems, SDGs, sustainable development, transformations) (by RealKM Magazine) 07/10 Because You Need to Know – Ali Allage (cybersecurity, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 08/10 Knowledge management and critical thinking: Congress, legislative outcomes and systems thinking (cancel culture, critical thinking, evidence based, opinion, systems, systems thinking) (by Bill Kaplan) 11/10 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.1): Tools – 7-Minute Drill (agenda, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings) (by John Antill) 13/10 KM Lobby Incredible Edition – KM in Law Firms (law, law firms, legal sector) (by Edwin K. Morris) 13/10 Why retailers should be sharing knowledge (customer experience, customer service, innovation, knowledge flows, knowledge sharing, retail) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/10 A quick guide to post-normal science (complexity, decision-making, NUSAP, stakeholder engagement, systems, uncertainty) (by i2insights) 23/10 Because You Need to Know – Mandy Webster (KM Chartership, knowledge lawyer, law, law firms, legal sector) (by Edwin K. Morris) 24/10 Because You Need to Know – April Buckland and Clara Prather (Internal Revenue Service, IRS, knowledge transfer) (by Edwin K. Morris) 24/10 The role of social networks in knowledge sharing in healthcare (healthcare, KMS, knowledge management systems, SNA, social network analysis, social networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/10 Scenario mapping your life (COVID-19, future, pandemic, scenario planning, scenarios) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/10 Because You Need to Know – Tony Rhem (AI, artificial intelligence, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 30/10 Understanding issues, prospects, and opportunities in knowledge management and library and information science (LIS) (Adamu Abdullahi, Adaora Obuezie, Africa, Gladys Kemboi, libraries, library and information science, LIS, Maureen Kenga) (by Gladys Kemboi, Maureen Kenga, Adaora Obuezie, and Adamu Abdullahi) 31/10 The emergence of “knowmads” as new knowledge workers (competencies, COVID-19, education, knowledge workers, knowmads, pandemic, scientometrics) (by Bruce Boyes) 05/11 The importance of clear communication, even in uncertain times (communication, COVID-19, leaders, leadership, pandemic, trust, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 07/11 Because You Need to Know – Donald Clark (AI, artificial intelligence, edtech, education, learning) (by Edwin K. Morris) 07/11 Strategies and recommendations for bringing knowledge from research into policy – lessons from public health (cocreation, collaboration, decolonisation, health, policy, public health, research, stakeholder engagement) (by Bruce Boyes) 10/11 How to innovate in a way that breaks from the past (innovation, knowledge, search) (by Adi Gaskell) 14/11 KMTV KM Lobby – KM in Law Firms (COVID-19, knowledge lawyer, law, law firms, legal, legal sector) (by Edwin K. Morris) 14/11 The importance of coffee in knowledge management (coffee, conversations, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer) (by John Antill) 14/11 Artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge management (KM): two sides of the same coin? (AI, artificial intelligence, modelling, problem solving) (by Knowledge Management South Africa (KMSA)) 15/11 Research suggests politicians are keener on experts than we think (evidence based, policy, politicians, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/11 Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (section 3): Publics and politics (journals, knowledge, libraries, open access, social media, universities) (by Bruce Boyes) 18/11 Adaptive social learning for systemic leadership (adaptive, complexity, leadership, social learning, systemic leadership, systems, systems thinking) (by i2insights) 18/11 A plumber or a handyperson? (accreditation, certification, professional development, qualifications, standards) (by John Antill) 23/11 The role of African publishing in the knowledge production ecosystem: Celebrating Mkuki na Nyota, 2 December 2021 (academic publishing, Africa, decolonisation, global north, global south, language, publishing, voices) (by RealKM Magazine) 23/11 Write for us with the newly updated RealKM Magazine Editorial Guidelines (authors, editorial, evidence based, guidelines, research, writing) (by RealKM Magazine) 23/11 Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment (creativity, diversity, inclusion, innovation) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/11 Because You Need to Know – Nick Poole (CILIP, KM Chartership, libraries) (by Edwin K. Morris) 27/11 Video and slides – Hidden Seams: Auditing Knowledge, Information, & Communication (audits, communications, information audit, knowledge audit) (by RealKM Magazine) 01/12 AI-based credit risk tools can be ruined by noisy data (AI, artificial intelligence, bias, credit, data, noise) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/12 What works or could work in knowledge brokering to enhance the use of research for inclusive global development? (brokering, evidence based, know-do gap, knowledge brokers, research, research-action gap) (by RealKM Magazine) 05/12 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.3): Tools – Information Flow Diagram (IFD) (decision-making, information flow, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 05/12 How wolves change processes: Understanding second and third order effects in knowledge management (change, metrics, process change, processes, second order effects, third order effects, tools) (by John Antill) 09/12 KMGN Knowledge Management Advanced Methodologies course, commencing 1 February 2022 (education, professional development, training) (by KM Global Network (KMGN)) 09/12 The impact of departing employees on firm performance (employees, extreme events, human capital, knowledge loss, retention) (by Adi Gaskell) 10/12 Because You Need to Know – Benjamin Anyacho (conversations, knowledge cafes) (by Edwin K. Morris) 12/12 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.4): Tools – Staff-Utilization Matrix (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, staff, staffing) (by John Antill) 14/12 One virus, two countries: how the misuse of science compounded South Africa’s COVID crisis (bias, coronavirus, COVID-19, decolonisation, first world, global south, pandemic, science, South Africa, third world) (by The Conversation) 14/12 Because You Need to Know – Zach Wahl (information management, knowledge management, taxonomy) (by Edwin K. Morris) 15/12 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.5): Tools – Time-Space Matrix (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, time) (by John Antill) 15/12 Knowledge retention and why it is needed (intangible assets, intangibles, knowledge retention, retention) (by John Antill) 21/12 For advice to be accepted, the recipient needs to request it (advice, knowledge sharing, unsolicited, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/12 Because You Need to Know – Chris Mottes (apartheid, journalism, media, skepticism) (by Edwin K. Morris) 23/12 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.6): Tools – Organization Calendar (calendar, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 23/12 Happy holidays from RealKM Magazine! (happy holidays, seasons greetings) (by RealKM Magazine) 28/12 What can we gain from open access to Australian research? Climate action for a start (academic publishing, climate action, climate change, climate science, journals, open access, paywalls) (by The Conversation) 28/12 What the internet can teach us about speaking up at work (anonymity, culture, employee voice, speaking up, trolls, voice) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/12 Because You Need to Know – Kristan McMahon (justice, law, philanthropy, volunteerism) (by Edwin K. Morris) 29/12 In the know: KM for IT teams, Open Access, and The Decolonial Critique (decolonisation, information technology, it, open access, research) (by RealKM Magazine) 30/12 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.7): Tools – Information Exchange Requirement (IER) (decision-making, information, information exchange, knowledge sharing, meetings, pace, rhythm) (by John Antill) 30/12 Critical Eye: Why those climate views can’t be given equal voice and hearing (climate change, climate science, climatic variability, evidence based, expertise, fallacy, hurricanes, logical fallacy, MJO, United States) (by Bruce Boyes)
04/01 The risks involved in using AI to make human decisions (AI, algorithms, artificial intelligence, bias, social equity) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/01 Because You Need to Know – Sara Feldman (CRM, customer engagement, customer experience, KCS) (by Edwin K. Morris) 06/01 Organization Management Rhythm (part 6.8): Tools – Cost Per Event (analysis, calendar, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 07/01 A model for enterprise knowledge management after the COVID-19 crisis (business, COVID-19, crisis management, enterprises, pandemic, SMEs) (by Bruce Boyes) 09/01 Engaging with bad knowledge practices (bad knowledge, COVID-19, diversity, knowledge, pandemic) (by Stephen Bounds) 11/01 It’s important to listen to those who think differently (contrarian, difference, diversity, listening, voice) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/01 Because You Need to Know – Ved Prakash (Chief Knowledge Officer, CKO, grass roots, infrastructure, integration, networks, retention) (by Edwin K. Morris) 16/01 Stakeholder Engagement Primer – Integration and Implementation Insights (engagement, multi-stakeholder, stakeholder, stakeholder engagement) (by i2insights) 16/01 What is the role of data mining in knowledge management? (big data, data, data mining, enabler, knowledge base, technology) (by Bruce Boyes) 19/01 When are teams better than individuals? (complex, complexity, task optimisation, teams, teamwork) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/01 In the know: Deliberate Approach to KM, KM & Retention for IT Communities, APQC Podcasts (APQC, Brett Patron, Deliberate Approach, development, Gladys Kemboi, information technology, it, JECC, John Antill, knowledge retention, military, podcasts, retention, Sarah Cummings) (by RealKM Magazine) 23/01 Business school leadership development programs are not always evidence-based: What about KM education? (academia, business, business schools, education, evidence based, higher education, leadership) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/01 Do entrepreneurs learn from their experiences? (entrepreneurs, foresight, founders, learning, product launch, startups) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/01 It will take critical, thorough scrutiny to truly decolonise knowledge (critical thinking, decolonisation, decolonising) (by The Conversation) 31/01 Approaches to improving knowledge management in construction from social network analysis (SNA) research (BIM, construction, construction industry, SNA, social network analysis, social networks) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/02 Searching Google prompts us to over-inflate our knowledge (brain, Google, knowledge, search) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/02 The essence of the ISO 30401 knowledge management standard (ISO 30401, ISO 30401:2018, km standard, KMS, standards) (by Santhosh Shekar) 03/02 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8): Products Produced (calendar, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 03/02 Open access in sub-Saharan Africa (academic publishing, Africa, APC, books, decolonisation, journals, open access, predatory, predatory journals) (by Chris Zielinski) 08/02 How to make virtual teams work (hybrid, knowledge sharing, teams, virtual, virtual work, WFH, work from home) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/02 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8.1): Products Produced – By Day (calendar, decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 09/02 Using ancestral knowledge to transform African food systems and diets (Africa, ancestral, ancestral knowledge, decolonisation, food systems, indigenous, markets) (by Charles Dhewa) 13/02 Evidence-Based Management Podcast series (evidence, evidence based, podcasts) (by RealKM Magazine) 15/02 How to make sure mentoring works (knowledge transfer, mentoring, mentors) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/02 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8.2): Products Produced – By Decision Level (decision-making, empowerment, knowledge sharing, meetings, micromanagement, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 17/02 Judgment and decision making with unknown states and outcomes (decision-making, ignorance, judgement, sample space, unknowns) (by i2insights) 18/02 Understanding the nuanced power of data and electricity (data, decision-making, knowledge) (by Keith Davis) 22/02 Do recommender systems help us make better decisions? (AI, artificial intelligence, consumer behaviour, consumers, recommendations, recommender) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/02 Survey on ethics in knowledge management (codes of practice, ethics, principles, survey) (by Patrick Lambe) 24/02 KnowledgeWebCast – Stephanie Barnes (people, process, technology) (by Santhosh Shekar) 25/02 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8.3): Products Produced – By Meeting Flow (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 25/02 In the know: Instant Insights Conversation Starters, Review of Research England Knowledge Exchange Framework (Arthur Shelley, business, conversations, insights, knowledge exchange, Matt Treadwell, research, universities) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/02 Lessons learned utilization from the perspective of the three farming methods (aquaponics, communities of practice, CoPs, farming, hydroponics, lessons, lessons learned, traditional) (by John Antill) 01/03 RealKM Magazine celebrates a million article views! (evidence based, knowledge management, milestones, RealKM, research) (by RealKM Magazine) 03/03 How to remove biases from algorithms (AI, algorithms, artificial intelligence, bias, biases, discrimination) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/03 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8.4): Products Produced – By Function (decision-making, function, knowledge sharing, meetings, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 06/03 Climate knowledge ignorance has again seen communities “surprised” by expected floods (climate, climate change, climate science, climatic variability, flooding, floods) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/03 Uncertainty can diminish our decision making (bad news, behaviour, decision-making, information, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 13/03 Organization Management Rhythm (part 8.5): Products Produced – By Touch Points (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, products, rhythm) (by John Antill) 13/03 We have already tried that! (AAR, after action review, failure, learning) (by John Antill) 16/03 How we inadvertently worsen online echo chambers (echo chamber, information cascades, internet, online, polarisation, social media, social networks) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/03 Organization Management Rhythm (part 9): Conclusion (decision-making, knowledge sharing, meetings, rhythm) (by John Antill) 20/03 Because You Need to Know – Bryan Choe (adaptation, data, military, orientation, trust) (by Edwin K. Morris) 20/03 The RealKM Impact Story − August 2015 to March 2022 (impact, knowledge management, RealKM, year in review) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/03 A yardstick for critical knowledge for business resilience (BCP, business continuity planning, corporate amnesia, critical knowledge, knowledge loss, knowledge retention, knowledge risks) (by Dr Eli Miron) 23/03 Inclusive managers are good for company share prices (diversity, earnings calls, employee voice, inclusion, managers, voice) (by Adi Gaskell) 24/03 Because You Need to Know – Nadia Kaloyanova (AI, artificial intelligence, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 27/03 Language, knowledge, and intercultural communication (communication, Esperanto, IAL, IALs, interlangs, Interlingua, language, toki ma) (by Stephen Bounds) 30/03 Because You Need to Know – Sarah Berndt Hampton (data, information, learning, library and information science, LIS) (by Edwin K. Morris) 03/04 Bias be gone! Can our unconscious prejudices be overcome? (bias, cognitive bias, unconscious bias) (by The Conversation) 06/04 How can we rid biases from facial recognition? (AI, artificial intelligence, bias, biases, faces, facial recognition, judgement, social) (by Adi Gaskell) 06/04 Because You Need to Know – Dr Pavel Kraus (innovation, learning, people) (by Edwin K. Morris) 10/04 The outcomes of informal work-related learning behaviours (behaviours, informal, learning, training, work, workplace) (by Bruce Boyes) 16/04 How organizations can run better experiments (A/B testing, cause and effect, experiments, interference, policing, randomized control trials, RCTs, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/04 Because You Need to Know – Maria-Rosa Moroso (expertise, knowledge sharing) (by Edwin K. Morris) 18/04 Sensors are everywhere (data, metadata, sensors) (by John Antill) 19/04 Four building blocks of systems thinking (complexity, DSRP theory, systems, systems thinking, theories) (by i2insights) 21/04 KMTV Because You Need To Know – Dr Pavel Kraus (innovation, learning, people) (by Edwin K. Morris) 21/04 Research suggests that rationality is in decline (complexity, emotion, facts, intuition, post-truth, rationality, reasoning, thinking) (by Adi Gaskell) 25/04 Signal Regiment’s code talkers – then and now (code, Code Talkers, Comanche, cultural, encryption, language, Native American, Navajo, signals) (by Keith Davis) 01/05 New research highlights how quickly our brains update (change, change blindness, perception, visual) (by Adi Gaskell) 01/05 Cut yourself and others some slack: we need more time to experiment and fail at work (experiment, failure, ideas, innovation, learning, learning from failure, safe fail) (by The Conversation) 01/05 Because You Need to Know – Dr Hanlie Smuts (KMSA, South Africa) (by Edwin K. Morris) 02/05 A smart cities perspective on managing pandemic-related knowledge (AI, artificial intelligence, big data, COVID-19, data, GIS, internet of things, iot, pandemic, smart cities, technology) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/05 Report argues that censorship is not the answer to misinformation challenge (censorship, media, misinformation, news, science, social media) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/05 Because You Need to Know – Dr Candice Borgstein (AI, artificial intelligence, communications, data, design, digital, information, nonprofit, not-for-profit) (by Edwin K. Morris) 09/05 Book review – Becoming Adaptable: Creative facilitation to develop yourself and transform cultures (adaptability, Arthur Shelley, culture, facilitation, learning, metaphor, people, relationships) (by RealKM Magazine) 09/05 Knowledge-focused design thinking (creativity, design thinking, empathy, ideas, iterative, problem solving, problems, solutions) (by Dr Eli Miron) 16/05 How to learn from our experiences (experience, learning, reflection) (by Adi Gaskell) 16/05 Because You Need to Know – Brian Pollack (code, ideation, innovation, internet, programming, prototyping, software, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 16/05 A comprehensive summary of knowledge mapping techniques (argument maps, causal maps, cognitive maps, competency mapping, concept maps, folksonomy, functional knowledge mapping, information flow diagram, knowledge asset maps, knowledge mapping, knowledge maps, mind maps, Petri nets, process knowledge mapping, semantic maps, SNA, social network analysis, topic maps) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/05 Research explores how we choose what to believe (beliefs, consensus, false, illusion, information literacy, misinformation) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/05 KM Lobby Incredible Edition – Asian Development Bank (ADB, change management, development) (by Edwin K. Morris) 23/05 Four typical behaviours in interdisciplinary knowledge integration (behaviours, collaboration, integration, interdisciplinary, teamwork) (by i2insights) 23/05 Is there a role for spirituality (as distinct from religion) in knowledge management? (ethics, human spirit, innovation, learning, spiritual, spirituality, trust, wisdom) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/05 Climate models should include social and political attitudes (climate, climate change, climate models, models, political, social) (by Adi Gaskell) 29/05 Because You Need to Know – Ana Neves and Jaap Linssen (collaboration, communication, community, community management, enterprise social networks, maturity, maturity models, social networks) (by Edwin K. Morris) 29/05 In the know: KM4AgD Challenge, UKRI open access policy, Acume, Meet Libby (academic publishing, Africa, AI, artificial intelligence, libraries, open access) (by RealKM Magazine) 29/05 Ground TRUTH After-Action Review (AAR) tool (AAR, after action review, COVID-19, disaster management, learning, lessons learned, pandemic, rapid learning, rapid response) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/06 Open Knowledge Maps – Map a research topic (evidence based, knowledge mapping, knowledge maps, research, search, visual) (by RealKM Magazine) 02/06 Researchers more likely to downplay than exaggerate findings (journalists, media, research, science, science communication, scientists, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/06 Facilitating narratives for knowledge co-production: A knowledge broker’s role (career development, career map, careers, co-production, identity, knowledge brokers, narratives, stories, story) (by i2insights) 02/06 Workplace friendship and knowledge hiding (friendship, hiding, knowledge hiding, psychological safety, task interdependence) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/06 KM4Dev Knowledge Cafè 24 – Different Thinking in Knowledge Management (China, cultural differences, decolonisation, KM4Dev, Knowledge Cafè, learning, rapid learning) (by KM4Dev) 12/06 Research shows a strong public desire for science (misinformation, research, science) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/06 Because You Need to Know – Dr Cynthia J Young (knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, responsibility) (by Edwin K. Morris) 12/06 In the know: Award for John Antill, Oversight of private sensors, KMSA e-Imbizo, Funding opportunity (awards, conferences, funding, John Antill, KMSA, knowledge exchange, sensors) (by RealKM Magazine) 12/06 Making a difference through consensus – lessons from African food markets (Africa, consensus, experts, food systems, indigenous, local knowledge, mass food markets) (by Charles Dhewa) 20/06 The importance of conversations at work (anxiety, conversations, verbal cues, workplace) (by Adi Gaskell) 20/06 Report: TechNetCyber22 U.S. Department of Defense and Federal Knowledge Management Symposium (AI, artificial intelligence, big data, business intelligence, communities of practice, CoPs, human centred, knowledge capture, knowledge graphs, knowledge mobilisation, knowledge strategy, knowledge transfer, Power BI) (by John Antill) 20/06 Video and summary from KM4Dev Knowledge Cafè 24 – Different Thinking in Knowledge Management (China, community engagement, decision-making, decolonisation, development, epistemology, KM4Dev, stakeholder engagement, sustainable development) (by Bruce Boyes) 27/06 Are conferences still worth it? (collaboration, conferences, interaction, scientists) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/06 KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 1 – Barriers to knowledge sharing and transfer (construction, construction industry, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, project management, projects, temporary) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/07 Because You Need to Know – Kelly Barrett (e-learning, IRS, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, learning, MicroLearning, self-help, videos) (by Edwin K. Morris) 04/07 Innovation is more likely when we work face-to-face (face-to-face, learning, training) (by Adi Gaskell) 04/07 The only market where knowledge exchange is part customer experience (Africa, customer experience, food systems, knowledge exchange, markets, mass food markets) (by Charles Dhewa) 04/07 KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 2 – The role of the Project Management Office (PMO) (KM maturity, maturity models, PMO, project management, project management office, projects, temporary) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/07 Tertiary study options for knowledge management in 2022 (education, higher education, study, tertiary study) (by Stephen Bounds) 11/07 Health AI systems struggle to replicate test results in real life (AI, artificial intelligence, bias, data, datasets, machine learning) (by Adi Gaskell) 11/07 Ignorance: Vocabulary and taxonomy (ambiguity, confusion, error, ignorance, inaccuracy, irrelevance, probability, taboo, taxonomy, uncertainty, untopicality, vagueness) (by i2insights) 11/07 [KM study options] Master of Science: Knowledge Management, Kent State University (education, Kent State, tertiary study, United States) (by Stephen Bounds) 11/07 Recognising Indigenous knowledges is not just culturally sound, it’s good science (bushfires, cultural heritage, decolonisation, First Nations, indigenous) (by The Conversation) 11/07 KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 3 – The role of the project manager (certification, competence, knowledge hiding, knowledge hoarding, knowledge mapping, professional development, project management, project manager, projects, skills, social network analysis) (by Bruce Boyes) 11/07 Myth, utopia and ideology: Diagnostics for group decision-making (climate, climate change, decision-making, floods, ideology, myth, policy, policymaking, utopia) (by Stephen Bounds) 18/07 What it takes to make society better (behaviour, bottom-up, policy, societal KM, society, top-down) (by Adi Gaskell) 18/07 Toward indigenous ways of recognizing knowledge and wisdom (academic literature, cultural differences, decolonisation, First Nations, indigenous, local knowledge, oral tradition, wisdom) (by Charles Dhewa) 18/07 KM4Dev Knowledge Café 25 – From knowledge injustice to knowledge justice: the role of KM4Dev (decolonisation, development, epistemic justice, KM4Dev, SDGs, sustainable development, ways of knowing) (by KM4Dev) 18/07 KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 4 – Agile and rapid and direct lesson learning (agile, iterative, lessons learned, project management, projects, rapid learning, stakeholder engagement) (by Bruce Boyes) 25/07 Because You Need to Know – Moya Radley (collaboration, culture, indigenous, insurance, learning, networks, New Zealand) (by Edwin K. Morris) 25/07 Charting the flow of knowledge between regions (creativity, innovation, knowledge flows, knowledge transfer) (by Adi Gaskell) 30/07 Because You Need to Know – Kevin L Moffatt (collaboration, culture, data, grit, learning, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 30/07 Using AI to spot gaps in development aid (AI, aid, artificial intelligence, development, machine learning, SDGs, sustainable development) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/07 Youth in Dialogues online event, Thursday 11 August 2022 (development, dialogue, digital, technology, youth) (by KM4Dev) 31/07 The peer review system is broken. We asked academics how to fix it (academic publishing, journals, peer review, science) (by The Conversation) 08/08 When we want others to cooperate, it pays to be modest (collaboration, cooperation, modesty, status) (by Adi Gaskell) 08/08 Mass food markets – the Facebook of African food systems (Africa, agriculture, climate change, data, evidence, food systems, indigenous, mass food markets) (by Charles Dhewa) 08/08 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) knowledge management resources (Africa, agriculture, data, development, fake news, misinformation, research, SDGs, sustainable development) (by RealKM Magazine) 08/08 Because You Need to Know – Brett Patron (culture, decision-making, defence, military, relevance, TRADOC) (by Edwin K. Morris) 08/08 Effective lessons learned capture for small & medium enterprises (debriefing, diaries, lesson capture, lessons learned, SME, SMEs, storytelling) (by Bruce Boyes) 15/08 An algorithmic approach to identifying influential research (academic publishing, aggression, citation network analysis, citations, diversity, journals, research) (by Adi Gaskell) 15/08 Stewarding knowledge on African food systems – beyond collecting statistics (Africa, census, data, decolonisation, evidence, food systems, mass food markets) (by Charles Dhewa) 15/08 How systems thinking enhances systems leadership (complexity, governance, leadership, systemic leadership, systems, systems thinking) (by i2insights) 15/08 US climate change mitigation strategy requires system thinking and defined requirements (climate action, climate change, climate mitigation, decision-making, government, systems thinking, United States) (by Bill Kaplan) 22/08 3 myths about data you need to understand (Amazon, competitive advantage, data, digital, Google, myth, narrative, technology) (by Adi Gaskell) 22/08 In the know: Microaggressions | Mind your language: when yes means no! | Are these really KM trends? (aggression, decolonisation, discrimination, ISO 30401, language, microaggressions) (by RealKM Magazine) 22/08 Because You Need to Know – John Antill (collaboration, culture, customer service, innovation, John Antill, US Army) (by Edwin K. Morris) 22/08 Do knowledge management experts exist? (expert, expertise, knowledge manager) (by Stephen Bounds) 22/08 Knowledge brokering for policy: What do we know? (brokering, evidence, evidence based, knowledge brokers, policy, practice) (by Policy & Politics) 22/08 Happy 7th anniversary RealKM Magazine! (anniversary, evidence based, RealKM, research) (by RealKM Magazine) 29/08 Because You Need to Know – Amit Taneja (accessibility, community, community engagement, diversity, equity, IDEA, inclusion, tribalism) (by Edwin K. Morris) 05/09 Because You Need to Know – Neil Wagner, Carolina Trigo, and Jorge Ricardo Calejo (nonprofit, not-for-profit, technology, technology services) (by Edwin K. Morris) 05/09 How to better deal with uncertainty (change, decision-making, innovation, uncertainty) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/09 How sense-making helped a community reclaim their voice (community, community engagement, empowerment, mental health, mental illness, sensemaking) (by Stephen Bounds) 05/09 Twelve tools to integrate with knowledge management practices for better customer experiences (avatars, customer experience, customer service, customer support) (by Dr Cynthia J Young) 12/09 The risks of collaborating with a Machiavellian partner (alliances, collaboration, Machiavellianism, manipulation, partnerships, power) (by Adi Gaskell) 12/09 Multidisciplinary perspectives on unknown unknowns (multidisciplinary, unknown unknowns) (by i2insights) 12/09 Accelerating and celebrating the melting icebergs of microaggression (bias, homophobia, knowledge transfer, microaggressions, neurodiversity, racial bias, racism) (by Matt Treadwell) 22/09 How COVID19 has redefined knowledge and the value of intangible resources (Africa, community engagement, learning, local knowledge, mass food markets, relationships) (by Charles Dhewa) 23/09 Systems thinking in public policy: Making space to think differently (complexity, government, public policy, systems thinking) (by i2insights) 26/09 What do we know about customer knowledge management, and what more do we need to know? (customer experience, customer KM, customer service, customer support, customers) (by Bruce Boyes) 01/10 The US has ruled all taxpayer-funded research must be free to read. What’s the benefit of open access? (academic publishing, discrimination, journals, open access, open science, United States) (by The Conversation) 03/10 Robo Brain and the knowledge commons (AI, artificial intelligence, collaboration, knowledge commons, learning, machine learning, robotics, robots) (by Adi Gaskell) 03/10 Is this finally the end of the road for nudge theory? (academic publishing, behavioural insights, behavioural science, journals, nudge, nudge theory, publication bias) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/10 Do you overclaim your knowledge? (expertise, experts, knowledge, overclaiming) (by Adi Gaskell) 09/10 What are “knowledge pills” and how useful could they be? (competency, education, knowledge transfer, knowlege pills, learning, training) (by Bruce Boyes) 12/10 Fifteen characteristics of complex social systems (complex, complexity, social, systems) (by i2insights) 15/10 How companies can utilize outside knowledge (bottom-up, collaboration, external knowledge, innovation, leadership, management, partnerships, top-down) (by Adi Gaskell) 17/10 A conceptual BIM-knowledge framework for the construction industry (BIM, construction, construction industry) (by Bruce Boyes) 22/10 Spotting liars is hard – but our new method is effective and ethical (AIM, Asymmetric Information Management, knowledge withholding, liars, lying) (by The Conversation) 23/10 The importance of someone who understands organizational knowledge (collaboration, expert, knowledge, specialists, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 23/10 How to write literature reviews for evidence-based knowledge management (evidence, evidence based, integrative review, literature review, narrative review, systematic review) (by Bruce Boyes) 26/10 International Open Access Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice (academic publishing, climate action, climate science, journals, knowledge hiding, knowledge sharing, open access, open access week) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/10 Because You Need to Know – Celine Schillinger (community, leadership, networks, organizational capacity) (by Edwin K. Morris) 29/10 How culture influences whether knowledge leaks or not (competitive, knowledge flows, knowledge transfer, organisational culture) (by Adi Gaskell) 31/10 Quantifying the impact of knowledge management (clinical, data, evidence, evidence based) (by Stephen Bounds) 04/11 I know that feeling: The relevance of the relation between values and knowledge for collaborative approaches (collaboration, collaborative processes, decision-making, knowledge co-production, multifunctional landscapes, values) (by Science for Sustainability) 13/11 Why complex problems need abductive reasoning (abductive, complex, complexity, inductive, reasoning, unknowns) (by i2insights) 13/11 Because You Need to Know – A guest post by Andrew Trickett (bureacracy, change, communities, conversations, engagement, equality, leadership, liberty, trust) (by Céline Schillinger) 13/11 Using a project-based practical approach to better engage students in an academic KM course (courses, education, engagement, higher education, students, tertiary study, university) (by Dr Eli Miron) 19/11 Combining human and artificial intelligence for organizational decision-making under uncertainty (AI, artificial intelligence, complex, complexity, decision-making, organisations, uncertainty) (by Bruce Boyes) 21/11 Please help us to help you! (patron, patrons, RealKM) (by RealKM Magazine) 27/11 Developing intentional cultures isn’t easy (culture, ISO 30401, managers, organisational culture, workplace culture) (by Adi Gaskell) 27/11 What leadership styles and behaviors constitute “knowledge leadership”? (distributed leadership, empowering leadership, ISO 30401, knowledge leadership, leader-member exchange, leadership, LMX, transformational leadership, visionary leadership) (by Bruce Boyes) 02/12 Friday essay: shaping history – why I spent ten years studying one Wikipedia article (bias, facts, power, Wikipedia, Wikipedians, wisdom of the crowd) (by The Conversation) 03/12 Interested in AI to improve your manufacturers’ performance and resilience? KM processes are what you need! (AI, artificial intelligence, manufacturing, performance, supply chain resilience) (by Luna Leoni and Ginetta Gueli) 12/12 What factors affect employees’ motivation to share their knowledge? (knowledge sharing, motivation, organizational KM) (by Bruce Boyes) 17/12 KM Lobby Incredible Edition – Alexandra Belacorça (enterprise, law firms, legal sector, Portugal) (by Edwin K. Morris) 17/12 Everyone’s having a field day with ChatGPT – but nobody knows how it actually works (AI, artificial intelligence, chatbots, ChatGPT, open source) (by The Conversation) 19/12 Using artificial intelligence to improve knowledge management in the construction industry (AI, artificial intelligence, construction, data, machine learning, natural language processing, NLP) (by Bruce Boyes) 27/12 Because You Need to Know – Camille Mathieu (information management, libraries, library and information science, LIS, stewardship) (by Edwin K. Morris)
02/01 Research reveals the public is largely unaware of the use of AI In journalism (AI, artificial intelligence, awareness, journalism, journalists, media, perception) (by Adi Gaskell) 02/01 The power of listening at work (part 2): Episodic listening theory (episodic listening theory, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, listening, psychological safety) (by Bruce Boyes) 08/01 Not everything we call AI is actually ‘artificial intelligence’. Here’s what you need to know (AGI, AI, ANI, artificial general intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial narrow intelligence, ChatGPT, generative AI, neural networks) (by The Conversation) 09/01 KM Lobby Incredible Edition – Sue Lacey Bryant (health, knowledge mobilisation, knowledge transfer, knowledge translation, NHS) (by Edwin K. Morris) 09/01 The power of listening at work (part 3): Cultivating listening in organizations (knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, listening, training, work) (by Bruce Boyes) 14/01 In the know: White House Indigenous Knowledge Guidance | Science isn’t storytelling | Becoming Adaptable review (academic publishing, adaptability, First Nations, government, indigenous, journals, science, storytelling, United States) (by RealKM Magazine) 15/01 Managing complexity with human learning systems (complex, complexity, human, learning, systems) (by i2insights) 15/01 Emerging innovative concepts in knowledge management (AI, artifacts, artificial intelligence, big data, communities of practice, CoPs, enterprise social networks, gamification, innovation, open innovation, virtual reality) (by Bruce Boyes) 23/01 Because You Need to Know – Gauri Manglik (business intelligence, grant writing, grants, nonprofit, not-for-profit, software, startups, technology) (by Edwin K. Morris) 23/01 AI and the future of work: 5 experts on what ChatGPT, DALL-E and other AI tools mean for artists and knowledge workers (AI, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, creative work, DALL-E, knowledge work, knowledge workers) (by The Conversation) 23/01 How artificial intelligence can support knowledge management in organizations (AI, artificial intelligence, collaboration, explainable AI, intelligent assistants, KM processes, learning, organizational KM, people, technology) (by Bruce Boyes) 29/01 Because You Need to Know – Dr Stefanie K Johnson (diversity, equity, inclusion, inclusivity, leadership) (by Edwin K. Morris) 29/01 Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither (choice architecture, COVID-19, nudge, nudge theory, nudging) (by The Conversation) 29/01 How knowledge management systems can be reformed to bring big data into strategic decisions (big data, data, data analytics, decision-making, decisions, KM system, KMS) (by Bruce Boyes) 04/02 Two calls for knowledge management research papers (call for papers, diversity, ecosystem services, equity, justice, library and information science, LIS, multi-stakeholder, sustainable development) (by RealKM Magazine) 04/02 Philosophers have studied ‘counterfactuals’ for decades. Will they help us unlock the mysteries of AI? (AI, artificial intelligence, black box, counterfactuals, explainable AI, philosophy, robodebt) (by The Conversation) 04/02 Why the right questions matter as much as the right answers (answers, conversations, listening, questions, teams) (by Adi Gaskell) 05/02 Knowledge-related justice in international development (decolonisation, development, epistemic injustice, epistemic justice, identity, social) (by Sarah Cummings, Charles Dhewa, Gladys Kemboi & Stacey Young) 12/02 ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned (AI, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, copyright, data, intellectual property, privacy) (by The Conversation) 12/02 Weak ties really do help our career (career, networks, social networks, weak ties) (by Adi Gaskell) 19/02 Because You Need to Know – Andrew Trickett (collaboration, communities of practice, community, CoPs, lessons learned) (by Edwin K. Morris) 19/02 Communities are not always waiting for external knowledge (Africa, agriculture, decolonisation, diversity, food systems, multi-stakeholder, stakeholder engagement) (by Charles Dhewa)