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In the know: Just knowledge practices post on i2insights blog | Spanish version of landmark multiple knowledges editorial

In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) topics of discussion and the articles, events, videos, and podcasts that are grabbing the attention of KM experts across our community.

Just knowledge practices post on i2insights blog

Can you imagine that you are in a situation where no-one listens to you or believes what you have to say? And the reason they are not listening or believing is because of your race or your gender or where you come from or your accent, or an intersectional combination of all four? Or imagine that the knowledge of your community is seen as worthless and ignored, even when the community will suffer most when efforts to change it go awry?

This phenomenon is called epistemic injustice, and its counter is epistemic justice. A framework for epistemic justice is explored in the context of transdisciplinary research in a new Integration and Implementation Insights (i2insights) blog post1 by Sarah Cummings, Charles Dhewa, Gladys Kemboi, Stacey Young, and Mike Powell, based on research2 published in the journal Sustainable Development.

The same framework for epistemic justice was discussed in the context of international development in a previous RealKM Magazine article.

Articles from the Integration and Implementation Insights (i2insights) blog are regularly reposted in RealKM Magazine as this blog publishes a wealth of information relevant to research-informed knowledge management (KM) practice.

Spanish version of landmark multiple knowledges editorial

A new Spanish language version “Necesitamos urgentemente múltiples conocimientos para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible” of the landmark editorial “We urgently need multiple knowledges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” has now been published3,4 in Knowledge Management for Development Journal.

This landmark editorial is a key component of the RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP knowledge management (KM) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) campaign. The Spanish translation has been carried out by KM4Dev Core Group and campaign group member Professor Denise Senmartin, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.


  1.  Cummings, S., Dhewa, C., Kemboi, G., Young, S., & Powell, M. (2024, November 26). Epistemic justice and its relevance to transdisciplinary research. Integration and Implementation Insights.
  2. Cummings, S., Dhewa, C., Kemboi, G., & Young, S. (2023). Doing epistemic justice in sustainable development: Applying the philosophical concept of epistemic injustice to the real world. Sustainable Development, 31, 3: 1965–1977.
  3. Al-Shorbaji, N., Atsu, P., Boyes, B., Brandner, A., Camacho Jiménez, K., Cummings, S.J.R., Dewah, P., Dhillon, R., Habtemariam, F., Kemboi, G., Kenga, M., Kiplang’at, J., Mchombu, K., Prom, C., Ribiere, V., Sanz, R., Senaji, T., Senmartin, D., Tarus, I., Young, S. & Zielinski, C. (2024). Editorial. Necesitamos urgentemente múltiples conocimientos para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 18(1): 1-12.
  4. Al-Shorbaji, N., Atsu, P., Boyes, B., Brandner, A., Camacho Jiménez, K., Cummings, S.J.R., Dewah, P., Dhillon, R., Habtemariam, F., Kemboi, G., Kenga, M., Kiplang’at, J., Mchombu, K., Prom, C., Ribiere, V., Sanz, R., Senaji, T., Senmartin, D., Tarus, I., Young, S. & Zielinski, C. (2024.) Editorial. We urgently need multiple knowledges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 18(1): 1-12.
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RealKM Magazine

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