The Barefoot Guides to Organisations and Social Change
The Barefoot Guide Connection is a global and local community of social change leaders and practitioners, from many countries, sharing diverse practices to deepen and develop approaches and initiatives to contribute to a changing world. The Barefoot Guide Connection writes and publishes the Barefoot Guides.
The Barefoot Guides bring stories, analyses, approaches and resources of interesting practice from around the globe, each under a key theme:
- Barefoot Guide 1: Working with Organisations and Social Change
- Barefoot Guide 2: Learning Practices in Organisations and Social Change
- Barefoot Guide 3: Mobilizing Religious Health Assets for Transformation
- Barefoot Guide 4: Exploring the Real Work of Social Change
Each Barefoot Guide is written by a collective of practitioner writers and published in an illustrated format that is simple and lively, breaking away from the dry, alienating and academic style of most social change publications. Barefoot Guides have a supporting website, with resources, exercises, readings etc, including tried and tested concepts, approaches and activities.
The Barefoot Guides are accompanied by a Resource Library with additional downloadable exercises, readings, case studies and diagrams.