Wheel of Knowledge Revisited

Bill Proudfit has done a very nice riff on our “wheel of knowledge” (which is based on Dave Snowden’s ASHEN framework). Visit his post for his commentary on how it works in practice!


2 Comments so far


In this Model, I am just wondering, if it is appropriate to consider skill as sort of a ‘Explicit’ knowledge. I thought Skill is purely tacit, which cannot be codified. What we can codify is the how to ( guidelines, SoPs, reciepe).

Posted on December 23, 2009 at 06:56 PM | Comment permalink

Patrick Lambe

I see the wheel as representing a continuum from explicit at the top of the wheel, then incorporating more and more tacit as you move down. Skills do have relatively explicit components, they can be well defined, specified, observed and tested; there is also, as you say, a tacit component… which over time blends into the experience domain. This is consistent with Dave Snowden’s ASHEN framework, where he sees it as breaking down the elements of a crude tacit/explicit distinction into a continuum.

Posted on December 24, 2009 at 10:14 AM | Comment permalink

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